the next morning

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Before we start, If you like the anime naruto check out bate112 . I havent seen it but ive been editing some of her story and Its ambular approved. Anyway back to the story...

*grace's POV *
As I sat on the makeshift beds next to amber I found myself next to mori. The thought of sleeping this close to him, or any guy really made me blush slightly. Laying down, amber and I turn into each other, while the other guys started laying down. Kyoya was the one to turn the lights off, then walked over to lay down next to amber. I slightly raise my head to look around and find haruhi and tamaki are sleeping back to back, but close enough that they were touching. The twins of course, were so close there was almost no room, they kinda looked innocent like this. Honey was hugging usa-chan tightly and curled up close to mori, honey looked even cuter asleep. Well I supose I should sleep to.
"Goodnight, gracie," amber whispered to me as I put my head back on the pillow.
"Goodnight, amber," I say yawning and pulling the blanket tighter, "just promise me amber, you will actually sleep tonight."
"Ok grace," amber said and I could hear the smile in her voice. Knowing amber she wouldn't sleep anyway. She's always had a problem with sleeping, but me, I could sleep through anything.
As my eye lids drift down, I just catch the small light of ambers phone and I smile letting bliss fall over me.

*time skip to moring*
*Ambers POV *

As my eyes snap open and my vision comes into focus, I look around taking in the strage room and the set of arms wrapped around me. Sitting up slowly, so I dont wake them up, I turn my head only to find kouru. I thought I fell asleep next to kyoya, weird. Cheaking my phone, I find its only 5:30am, Of course no one is up. Standing up and dodging the body's huddling together, I walk into the bathroom to splash water on my face.
After I finished in the bathroom I walk back into the room only to find everyone in quite embarrassing positions and being the kind hearted person I am, I document it to my phone. I take my pictures, then loo back over them deleting any unwanted ones.
There is one of tamaki and haruhi cuddling each other with no space for air in between. Mori was hugging usa-chan and curled up in a ball. Then strangely honey was curled up with kyoya, who had his arms wrapped around the little lolita. The last one however was my favorite, hikaru and kouru were hugging each other but their in between them was my lovely sister, with a small smile. Im so glad I got out of the middle aswell, before they woke up.
it was still early so I decided I needed to get some coffee. Walking through the hall ways I finally found the kitchen, which was already bursting with activity.
"Excuse me miss, but do you need something?" A young maid asked while curseying.
"Yes actually can you show me where the coffee machine is?" I ask. This was so weird I have never had maids before.
"Of course, this way," she replied walking me through the extensive kitchen. Once we arrived I was happy to find a state of the art coffee machine, I have to say the suohs have good taste in coffee machines. I was thankful the maid bought me the coffee beans and showed me to the milk, sugar and mugs.
Choosing the largest mug I made my coffee and added two teaspoons of sugar and a small amount of milk. It tasted heavenly. I also decided to make grace some hot chocolate for when she wakes up.
Making my way back to the room I found everyone except kyoya and honey awake.
"Finally amber, I was wondering where you went,"grace said with sleep in her voice and eyes. I could tell she only just woke up.
"I got hot chocolate," I say handing her the steaming mug. She snached it out of my hand, careful not to spill it.
"Your welcome," I said with a smile as she nodded in thanks.
"Takashi, wheres usa-chan," honey yawned waking up. Mori handed honey his bunny and honey went to sit on a couch nearby.
"The only one left is kyoya, but dont wake him up," tamaki warned.
Setting down my coffee I got up, "No, im bored and im not going to wait for him to get his butt out of bed," I say confidently.
"Dont do it," the twins say hiding behind tamaki.
"Im fully aware of his AB blood type, so you might want to stand back," I say walking over to a still sleeping kyoya. He looks so cute when he's asleep without his glasses.
"Come on kyoya, time to get up," I say shaking him.
Kyoyas eyes flash open and the room is immediately filled with his dark aura. He stares strait at my with piercing eyes like hes trying to scare my soul. Unfortunately for him, I'm not scared.
"I'm not scared of you kyoya senpai, now get your butt out of bed or I will pull you out myself," I threaten, turning my back on him stubbornly, which probably wasnt the smartest thing to do. I catch a glimpse of the host club sanding outside in the hall, looking at us through the crack of the door. A hand is snaked around my stomach and pulls me down onto the bed, then a body flops half on top of me and falls strait back to sleep. Damn, stubborn man.
"Kyoya get off me," I almost yell as I push him off and straight onto the floor. Kyoya then sits up, puts his glasses on and looks around.
"Tell me, how did I end up on the floor?" Kyoya askes.
"Like this," hikaru says handing kyoya his phone and pressing play.
It seems hikaru took a video of the whole ordeal and kouru took pictures.
"Well then, I would greatly appreciate it if you would deleate that." Kyoya said as the video finished.
"Nope, we may need black mail in the future," the twins giggle evilly running away.
"Well should we get some breakfast?" Tamaki asks leading everyone out. Kyoya and I are the only ones left in the room now. He turns to me and looks me in the eye like he's trying to get a read on me, then stands up and follows the others. After a moment I get up, grab my life force (A.K.A coffee) and follows his lead. Well this morning started out exciting.

*kyoyas POV *

As I look into her eyes trying to figure her out, I come to no conclusion. This is different for me, I can always tell everything about a person. Getting up I walk away from her, still throughly confused.
I have never met a girl that could put up with me like her, im not sure how to feel.

*kourus POV *

I cant believe amber stood up to kyoya like that. She's so strong, I think im beginning to like her.
No what am I saying, I only met her a day ago, but maybe...

*hikaru's POV *

Grace was so cute when she woke up, I dont know how she ended up in my arms, but she looked beautiful. She looked fragile and I felt like I neede to protect her. I think I may be falling...

*tamakis POV *

Just the thought of having haruhi in my arms made me blush bright red. She was so adorable I just wish it would last forever.

*Honeys POV*

amber and grace are so cute. I think takashi like grace which is so cute, I just... i dont want to lose takshi.

*grace's POV *

After waking up with my head on hikarus chest and both his and kourus arms around me, I had a mini heart attack. Letting out a small yelp I jumped from in between the half dresses doplegangers. This movement woke everyone except kyoya and honey. After a few seconds of confusion. Mori walked over to me and asked if I was alright, which made me blush a very light shade of pink but nodded my head. Thankfully amber walked in at that moment and gave me hot chocolate. I think this memory will be burned into my brain forever.

Hey everyone reading ( if anyone really is) I hope your all enjoying it. Anyway feedback would be great. Sorry its been ages but I am known to be lazy but thanks to my bestie bate112 I have continued writing. I cant wait for the next chapte. C-ya sweeties
- ambular ;)

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