Imagine (Harry)

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You're walking through a forest, Harry by your side, gripping your hand tightly. You smile at your entwined fingers, enjoying the sounds of birds and leaves beneath your feet. It feels nice to be there with Harry. It's peaceful and none of you feel the need to break the silence. It's a comfortable silence.
Harry seems to be moving forward with purpose, whereas you're ambling along, admiring the surroundings. Just following him. You wonder if he's got a bigger plan. If there's somewhere he wants to specifically reach. If this is the first stage of one of his creative plans.
You catch Harry glancing at you with that soft look in his eyes, the one that makes your heart swell. Your eyes meet and he smiles.
"I love you," he then says simply, pulling you on. You blush, still not used to hearing it.
"I love you too," you mumble back, letting him lead the way through trees and bushes.
"Are you taking us somewhere?" you then ask, voicing your suspicions. If the silence has been broken, you may as well use it to get answers.
"Actually, it's just two minutes away from here," he replies with a devilish grin.
"What's two minutes away from here?" you question, narrowing your eyes at him. He sticks his nose in the air playfully, not saying anything for a moment.
"You'll see," he finally says after a minute of silence. You groan in frustration, the anticipation eating you alive. Harry laughs at you, walking faster as if he's really excited for you to see the surprise. He suddenly stops, telling you to stay where you are. Grumbling, you agree and watch him as he quickly jogs to some thick bushes ahead of you. He squeezes past them and disappears for a moment, but then his head appears again and he grins.
"Well, come on then," he giggles. You laugh at him and walk towards him, taking his outstretched hand. He pulls you through the bushes and suddenly you're standing next to him on a road that goes straight through the forest. You turn your head and see an old pickup truck nearby.
"Welcome to our home for today and tonight," he announces pompously. You gaze at the truck with awe, seeing that the back is filled with cushions, blankets, his laptop and movies.
"This is sweet," you declare, walking over to it and picking up the first movie, examining it.
"I was thinking we could wrap up and watch a few movies, then drive to this old campfire place that's a kilometre up the road and have something to eat. And then we can stargaze when the stars come out," Harry explains excitedly, looking proud of his plan. You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him, grinning when you pull away.
"This is going to be epic," you say, turning away to arrange the cushions and blankets so they look more comfortable.
"Well, let's get started then," he suggests, clapping his hands briskly.

A few hours later, you're driving up the road, Harry's hand on yours as he sings silly songs. He's focused on the road, the steering wheel in his left hand as his right hand traces patterns on yours. He's singing 'Yellow Submarine' by The Beatles. You can't help but t join in at the chorus, his loud voice and joyful mood being as contagious as the flu.
When you're at the campfire, you see that it's dusk. And you're surprise to see that the fire has been lit. You give Harry a questioning look and he grins sheepishly.
"I got someone to come and light the fire just before. I have no idea how to do it myself," he admits, pulling out a packet of marshmallows from the truck. You roll your eyes at him, but smile all the same. He's just too cute.
The both of you spend an hour roasting marshmallows, but then Harry point up at the sky silently. You look up and your eyes widen. Greeting your gaze is a view of a thousand stars.
"Let's stargaze," Harry announces, pulling you up to lead you to the back of the truck again. You both get into the back, pulling the blankets around you as you lie next to each other. Harry slips an arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
You cuddle for a while, Harry pointing out the constellations he knows, telling you the stories behind them. You enjoy being in his presence and you can tell he's enjoying it too, the pair of you making the most of it.
"You know the sun is our solar system's star, right?" he suddenly says, his eyes still fixes on the beauty above you. You mingle a quick 'yeah', wondering what that questioners about.
He turns to look into your eyes seriously.
"You're my star. The centre of my system," he murmurs quietly. Then he leans in to kiss you.


This is one of the few I'm satisfied with, I hope you liked it. I wonder if anyone is actually reading this shit lol.

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