Eins // One

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Louis wandered down the hallway of his house as he heard his own song being played in the kitchen, Moments. He smiled because after all this time, Melanie still listened to his music, no matter he was right in the next room. She still loved their music, and it made him so extremely happy that he couldn’t even describe it.

“If we could only have this life for one more day,” she sang along, an octave higher than Harry did on the record, “If we could only turn back time!”

And Louis halted in his moves because how had he never paid attention to the way she tried to harmonise whenever she was singing? When she was singing a song sung by a female, she would always sing like her but when it was a male singing she would always sing higher and only now he had realised how beautiful it sounded.

“Hands are silent, voice is numb, tryin’ to scream out my lungs… it makes this harder!” Her voice broke at that since it was too high and Louis smiled nonetheless because he still loved listening to her singing, even if she wasn’t always in tune.

“Good morning,” he muttered, allowing her to realise his presence and the girl jumped a little behind the stove, turning her head around. Her hand immediately pushed the pause button on the little iPod that was plugged in beside her and the music subsided.

“Hey,” she smiled shyly and looked over to the stove before she turned her attention back to the male, who was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. “I was making you breakfast.”

“Thanks,” he smiled and went to open the fridge to get some milk. That moment she grabbed a cup and took the kettle to pour some hot water into it. “Earl Grey or English Breakfast? We also have Yorkshire left but only one bag.”

“I’ll go for Earl Grey,” Louis told her and smiled as he took the bag she handed him. He sat down at the counter, watching her turn the pancakes in the pan and sometimes sipping from her own cup of tea. “Y’know, you didn’t have to turn off the music.” He chuckled and she nodded grinning.

“Yeah, but I thought it might be awkward for you if you listened to yourself singing as first thing in the morning,” she laughed.

“I don’t mind since you were singing along.”

“Oh god,” she muttered, shaking her head before she hid her eyes behind her palm, “that was just plain horrible, okay? And I’ll just put on something else.” She sighed and went towards the docking iPod again, scrolling through the list. “How about some jealousy?” She asked grinning and put on Mr. Brightside by the Killers.

Soon the pancakes were done and she pushed his plate towards him and taking a seat across him, biting down on a red apple.

“You don’t want any pancakes?” Louis asked frowning and the girl shook her head with a reassuring smile.

“Nah, but don’t worry. I’m just not in the mood for anything sweet right now. That’s why I had to get out earlier and get some fruits. The only things you have here when you were on tour are bread-in-a-can and this other yucky stuff that never seems to become inedible. That is, as long as you planned to eat in first place.”

“You were already out today?” Louis asked shock, taking a glance at the digital watch on the microwave that stood behind Melanie. It showed only ten AM and normally Melanie wouldn’t leave the house this early on a day off.

“Yeah, but I didn’t really care about my outfit. I wore what I am wearing now, but I couldn’t care less about what the paps will write about me,” she sighed and rolled her eyes before biting down on the apple again. She munched the piece she had bitten off, her cheeks looking the ones of a squirrel and Louis smiled at her because she was just too cute. “I mean of course I don’t want to come off as a homeless or something but sometimes I just don’t care, y’know?”

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