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I punch the person behind me and started running liked my life depended on it. After two minutes of running I stopped to catch my breath. 

"Hey what's your name?" Nico asked catching up to me breathing heavily. I looked at him confuse. Nobody ever asked me for my name or given me a second look at that. He was waiting for me to answer. But I just decided to walk away from him and ditch school.

"Hey wait a minute. I didn't get punched in the face and ran after you. Just so you can walk away. Now what is your name?"He asked again. I just shook my head and walked away for a second time. But he he gripped my wrist and turned me around so that I was facing him. 

"What the hell?" I whispered yelled.  He just smirked at me. What's wrong with men these days? I mean they just look at you and think that they own you. Or be abusive towards you one minute and the next they want you to cuddle with them. Sincerely I wish I was born in a different generation so much. 

"Well do you want to go back to class?" Nico asked. I kicked him in the balls and ran all the way to my truck. But when I open my car door you can guess what happen. And you guessed right Nico slammed my car door shut. I just gave him the death glare because he was really starting to annoy me. Like when Raphel acts likes he's the boss but everyone knows it Leoarnodo. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked annoyed. 

"Well since you act so nice sunshine. I want to hang out with you." he said. Laughter was the only sound that came out of my mouth.

"No." I say very bluntly. I get into my truck and drove off school campus. While driving I notice someone on a bike following me. When I'm finally at the red light that is when the cyclist pulls up to my passenger window. Oh thank you Jesus that it was a stranger. Five minutes later I parked in my driveway where I could hear Adin screaming from the top of his lungs. Poor baby. I walked in through the front door to find my mom passed out on couch drunk with a bottle of whiskey in her hand. I walked to the kitchen to make Adin his bottle of milk. While I went up to Adins' room to give him his milk. I heared a knock on the door. 

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