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Aaron micelles
Age: 17
Sexuality: gay
Height- 5'3
Description: lite brown hair with icy blue eyes. Freckles, pail skin and not muscular (he tries)
Personality- shy (the cute kind), not one to talk to others much, blushes when he gets nervous or flustered.
Crush- Adam Hartford
Social status- not noticed

Adam Hartford
Age- 19
Sexuality- Bisexual
Height- 5'9
Description- dirty Blonde hair, hazel eyes, muscular body, tan skin
Personality- funny, helps others, likes to tease the girls who like him.
Crush- Aaron (love at first sight)
Social Status- popular

Lily steel
Age: 18
Height- 5'5
Sexuality- straight
Description- blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles, tan skin, skinny.
Personality- bratty, always bullies Aaron, Thinks she is boss bitch.
Crush- Adam
Social status- popular

I came up with this story while I was working on my language arts test.

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