Chapter 10

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The birds chirping outside my window alarm me at just how early I was up.

The sun had just started to rise, bringing in a new day. My alarm clock read 6:37 A.M. School doesn't start until eight, but I figured why not get up and get a fresh start?

I decided to take a shower and put on my clothes; except for the leather jacket. My hair was dry and frizzy, but I soon had it tamed and curled, giving it soft ringlets. I still wasn't used to it's light color and fluffy texture, yet.

I started to do my make-up like Emma said, going for neutrals, and a foundation to cover my old acne scars, but light enough to show my freckles. I brush on a light coat of mascara and some bright red lipstick, in matte.

"This looks pretty good." I mutter as I check myself out in my bathroom mirror.

Finishing up in there, I go to my room and perch on the bed, putting my shoes on. I grab my purse, that has all the essentials in it, apparently (courtesy of Emma), and my jacket. I head downstairs to greet my parents.

"Hello dear, you're up early." My dad says from behind his morning newspaper. He's sitting at the table, and my mom is at the stove, cooking what looks to be pancakes.

She turns around, "Good morning swe- oh my goodness!" She finally takes sight of me, nearly dropping the plate of pancakes.

This causes my dad to throw down the paper, slamming his hands on the table. "What is it?! O-oh my word, Abigale."

They both stare at me, wide eyed with their mouth agape a little bit. "What do you think?" I ask, hoping they like it.

"Oh my little flower, my mom walks up to me and cups my cheek. "You look simply gorgeous. What do you think Richard?"

"She looks beautiful. And happy. I haven't seen you smile like that in a while."

I blush, unaware that I was indeed smiling.

"Who are you trying to impress?" She interrogates me.

My blush deepens, shocked that my mother saw through my plan with such ease. I just decide to brush her off. "What? No one. I just want to look nice."
She nodds, but with a knowing look in her eyes. The one that said 'We will talk later'.

I decide to go light on my breakfast this morning by just getting an apple. I slid my jacket on and clicked my phone on so I could see the time.

7:27 A.M.

Emma should be here to pick me up anytime soon.

I walk into the living room and grab my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. Just as if it were on cue, Emma honks her horn from outside.

"By mom! By dad! Love you both!" I rush out as I head out the door. They respond with their own 'Love you's' as well.

When I get on the porch Emma is leaning on the door of her yellow Volkswagen Beetle. She saw me and her face lit up immediately.

"Dang! Red is the firey color of passion, and you are smoking chica!" She whoops at me and whistles. "Who knew you cleaned up so good?" She asks as I throw my bags in the back. I sit in the front, laughing.

"I know right! You should have seen the looks on my parents' faces! My mom nearly dropped a tray of pancakes!"

We both laugh as she backs out of the driveway and heads off to the school. Once we arrive, she turns off the key. The clock on the dash read 7:55 A.M.

"Alright, you remember what I said about walking and holding your bags and stuff?" I nodd. "Okie dokes then, lets get this party started!" She hops out of the car, I however linger.

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