From the Author

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I take my fur kids to the dog park every day, at the same time of day as several other regulars. We are a clan, a family bonded over fur and tennis balls. The members of this clan change over the years, though a few-represented by Charlie, Jim, and Jose in my books- have been coming as long as I have (14 years! Yikes!)

The park sits on a rise over the parking lot, and we watch the lot to see who is coming (friendly dog or potentially dangerous?) Often we see cars pull in for other purposes: work breaks, clandestine meets, or hikes into the surrounding woods where there is no established trailhead.

It is my suspicion this lot is used for odd puposes because it is surrounded by woods, convenient to the road while being sheltered from sight. Everyone's sight but ours. I'm sure they do not realize they are being watched.

It is our nature to speculate on these events, leading me to think we should have our own mystery series. This thought was so persistent, I had to become a writer to bring it to fruition.

This is the first of Lia Anderson's adventures with her dog park gang. It is available free at all major ebook vendors. The second book, Drool Baby, is also available free for signing up to my email list at I am currently working on book 6, Fur Boys, due out next spring.

Thank you for reading A Shot in the Bark.

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