Chapter 33

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I felt nauseous. Like really nauseous. And to make things worse I was cold, stuck in a cell, kidnapped and my limbs were stiff and sore.

I shouldn't complain too much though considering my kidnappers were nice enough to give me clean cloths and food. And no I have not seen my kidnappers yet. I just woke up and saw the stuff laying next to the cold metal bed they had me on.

The cell I was in was like a jail cell except the toilet has a curtain around it to give me privacy. Thank goodness.. Nobody can take a dokie when people can see you.

My thoughts suddenly went to Riley and my pack. I hope nobody got hurt. I frowned, what if they did get hurt? I can't mind link my pack because my kidnappers put a bracelet around my wrist that stops me from using my wolf abilities but allows me to still talk to my wolf thankfully.

"Thank goodness, your up. I was getting a little bored" a girl said from the other side of  my cell while looking at her nails. I jumped when I heard her speak... One bad thing about me thinking so much, I'm never aware about what's going on around me.

"Wh- who are you?"

She let out a humorless laugh "You tell me, I honestly don't know who I am".

I gave her a confused face. "How do you not know who you are?"

She shrugged "I've been here for as long as I can remember, I don't have a name, I don't know my birthday, and I don't know my family or if I even have a family" she looked at me sadly but I could tell she was trying to be brave.

That poor girl, how long has she been kept here? I was about to ask more questions when a door suddenly opened and a light turned on lighting up all the cells. I heard the girl whimper and shrink back in the corner of her cell. I looked at her closer and could see she was very skinny and pale, her hair was dark brown and full of tangles and her face was really dirty. She looked like she couldn't be no younger then 17.

I switch my attention back to the doorway and saw a man standing there. He had to be about 5'10. His hair was a short brown and he had a beard growing. 

"Good your up" he growled while staring at me. His stare sent shivers down my spine and all I wanted to do was crawl away into a corner and hide. I was about to do so until I thought of Riley, Riley would want me to be strong and stand up to the man... I'm a Luna for goodness sake, I'm supposed to show no fear.

I lifted my chin up and stared right back in his eyes. They looked mean and soulless (does that make sense?)  and to be honest they scared the crap out me.

"Look down mutt" he growled. "We have some rules in this place and you better obey them"

"And if I don't?" I glared not caring for what he had to say. What kind of rules can you have here anyways? Don't they just keep you locked up 24/7 ? I probably should have asked that girl. Oh well too late now.

He gave me a smirk before walking to my cell and unlocking it. I just sat there and watched as he walked in, yanking up by my arm. I growled and pulled my arm back

"Don't touch me again you filthy bastard" I said calmly but strongly and shoved him making Him fly into the cell bars.

He stood himself back up while making a tsk tsk sound and shaking his finger while quickly walking up to me and handcuffing my hands behind my back. Quickly his hand collided with my left cheek making blood drip into my mouth and into the floor.

I left out a humorless laugh "what? Your so weak you have to handcuff a girl so you can smack her" I chuckled shaking my head "shows what a man you sure are".

I probably shouldn't have said that but it was too late, his eyes started to darken more which I thought wasn't possible. "Shit girl, why'd you do that? " Heaven whispered

"Trust me i don't know"

My conversation was cut short when I was yanked forward out of the room. The guy was leading me down a dark hallway that has only a few torches lighting it up. It kinda reminded me of a creepy movie you would watch but in real life. "Where are you taking me?" I tried not to sound panicked, but failed to do so. He didn't reply and just kept dragging down the hallway. I was starting to worry more, who knows what this man is going to do to me, what if I never see Riley again, I shook that thought away, Of course I'll see Riley again, I'll make sure I do. After a few turns he stopped outside this large door, pulled out keys and unlocked them. He shoved them open before shoving me in a few seconds later.

I looked back at him and glared before turning my focus back at the room. I felt my heart freeze in my chest and a goosebumps took over my whole body. Shivers running down my spin. Maybe I won't see Riley ever again.  There was a table laying in the middle of the room with straps hanging off to the Side. At one side of the room were a bunch of weapons such as whips and knifes and something that looked like fire. To the other side of the room was a tub and another table and a few objects I couldn't make out. Oh god I am going to die here I thought.

"Okay listen here, I'm going to ask you questions and your going to reply back to me honestly... If you don't" he shook his head chuckling "well I'm assuming you know what will happen". He took my arms and shoved me on the table that was laying in the middle of the room. I screamed in hopes someone would hear me and tried to roll off. I was almost successful when he quickly grabbed me and pinned me down. I didn't even notice another person entered the room until I felt them wrap the straps around my wrist, ankles, and torso, pinning my in place.

Holy crap I don't wanna die here. He looked at the guy beside him and jerked his head to the side, having a silent conversation with there body language. I saw the other guy nod and followed him with my head until I no longer could.

"What are you guys doing?" I tried not to sound panicky but honestly if you where in my situation you would sound panicky too. I mean who knows what these guys are going to do to me?

The man looked at me with this crazy smile and grabbed the item from the other guy's hand. It was so dark it was hard to make out.  "What is that!?" I shivered.

I got my answer when I felt a burning pain go across my stomach. It felt like my stomach was getting ripped open with a bunch of razor blades. I bite the side of my cheeks to stop my scream from escaping.

"Now no asking questions... actually don't speak unless you are asked a question, and no being sarcastic, if you miss behave again then you will get another lashing" the crazy man said.

After hours of random questions I didn't even know and a millions of lashes, cuts, and burns I was thrown back into my cell like literally thrown  with all food and water taken away from me. They even took that piece of metal they call a bed.

Curling up in a ball i managed to fall asleep. Not being able to wait to put my plans into action... just a few more days and I'll be out of here.

Guys sorry I'm so bad with updating. It took me like all summer to write this chapter. So yeah basically I just suck at writing and eventually I will finish this book.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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