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The picture is Skylar in the story, yes I am aware it is Lynn Gunn but this is NOT a fanfiction, I am just simply using her beautifulness to portray one of the characters in my story.

"Sky, heads up!" I hear someone yell, and by his voice that I know by heart, it's Ryan.

Before I have time to look up from my depressing let-me-stare-at-the-ground-to-avoid-eye-contact, he tackles me into a big hug that sends us both falling to the ground; I just scowl at him.

Perks of being a wolf-any bruise(s) that might form will heal before I even feel them.

"Aye cutie" I attempt to bite his finger when he pokes my nose.

"Well hello to you too" My sarcasm is just great, but I'm sure he's going to break into song--

"HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEE" Now that he's sitting on my stomach and raising his hands up in the air like an idiot...

I quickly shove him off and cover his mouth as to not draw any attention to us.

"Ry, shut up!" That of course does nothing but make him lick my hand, which I quickly draw back to my side as to not have his gooey saliva all over it.

Once he stops terribly singing, he locks arms with me and we skip-well, he's skipping and my arm is going up and down with him-to the...

"Uh, where are we going?" I ask curiously.

This time he stops skipping all together, and I think I said something wrong. Before I have time to apologize, he turns to look at me, wiggles his eyebrows, smirks, winks, and then continues skipping without a word.

What . . . I decide not to question it. You see, this annoying little butt has been my best friend since as long as I can remember. Therefore, I know by now he's a complete whacko.

Soon, I start skipping with him, my mood brightening.
Then I have an ah-ha moment when we stop in front of the cafe.

Food... My wolf, Zoey, suddenly pops into my head, with a tone that makes her sound like she's internally drooling.

"Haha, Skylar you're drooling, suck it up so you don't look like an idiot going inside" he chuckles

I quickly wipe my mouth with my sleeve, embarrassed. But then again, it's a wolf thing.

I sit down at a table with high chairs while he goes and buys the coffee.
Normally he doesn't take me here without our other best friend, Scarlett, so this is quite odd. But he is also odd, so I guess it makes sense.

"I'm backkk" he sings out with the two coffees in his hand, and hands me one.

"Thank you kind Sir" I giggle at his opera voice.

"So," he sits down "I have a fight next week on Sunday, you coming?"

"Of course I'm coming! What time?" I don't really approve of Ryan's fighting career, but I'll support him because he's my best friend and it's what he loves to do. I cannot say I'm okay with it, but I have learned long ago, if I can't stop him, I minus well support him. I just hope he doesn't die fighting before I find my mate. My birthday is the Saturday before the fight, meaning that any day after that I could find my mate. I don't know if it makes me nervous or excites me. What if I don't find him? What if he rejects me? Or... What if it's Ryan? No, he's too close of just a friend for that to happen. Right?

"It's at 9pm, but..." He drags out his sentence and looks awkwardly down to his coffee.


"But... The guy I'm versing, well, he's one of the best... And I know you don't really like it when I fight guys I'm not sure I can beat, I know you don't want me to get very hurt." He keeps his head down, looking at the coffee in his hands.

"Oh.." I drag the word out, trying to figure out my mixed emotions about this. He could get seriously hurt... I hate watching his fights because he gets hurt, I only go so that I can take care of him afterwards.
Now it's just awkward silence between us.

"I'll be there." I decide I minus well go, to support him. "Tell me about this guy you're fighting."

"Well from what I know he's been fighting for quite a while now. He's a good sized guy with muscles that are almost as big as mine..." He flexes his not-so-big muscles and winks "he's only lost about 4 or 5 fights out of all he's been through. I hear he has mercy though. When the fight ends, he stops. Not like the other wolves who get carried away and keep going."

"That's good, he sounds tough"
There are no refs in these fights, which is just another reason for me to be worried.

He coughs, "Not as tough as me though" Another cough. "He ain't got nothing on me, I'm so strong I can lift a car by my pinky, I mean look at these guns!" He flexes again, and again there is no more muscle then last time, so I giggle at his attempt to seem tough.

"Sweet cheeks, there's so much shit coming out of your mouth right now you're choking on it, do you need a cough drop?"

He stops flexing and playfully pouts, "you're a meanie"

Since I don't like when he frowns, I reach over and lift the corners of his mouth into a smile with my fingers. That is, of course, until he twists his head and catches one of my fingers in his mouth! What the heck!

"Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!" I squeal as I pull my finger from his mouth.

He smirks in victory until I wipe all the slobber down on his nice new pollo shirt.

"Hey! I can't have saliva on this shirt, I use it to get the chicks!" He says, quite loudly might I add, causing the table of girls next to us to stare at him and giggle.
After seeing this, he attempts to act cool by biting his lip and bringing the coffee to his mouth all while staring at them. I almost laugh because knowing him, I can already see into the future of what's about to happen.

He isn't paying attention to the coffee, so when he goes to take a sip, he spills coffee, All. Down. His. Shirt.

"AHH" he squeals like a little girl who just saw a spider. I, of course, being the good friend that I am, laugh in his face and point at his shirt.

"Hot hot hot hot hot HOT!" He jumps out of the chair and runs to go get napkins, "my new shirttttt" he cries out, and I suppose I should go help him.

Now he'll be in a pouty mood all day. Great.

HEY GUYS! So this is the very first chapter of Territorial!! I know not much has happened yet, but I just wanted to take the first chapter to introduce you all to some characters and learn a bit about their personalities. Trust me, more will happen, much more, in the next chapter (which will take place on Skylar's birthday and then into the day of the fight) the fight will be in human form, the first couple chapters probably won't have much wolfie stuff in it, but as soon as you guys get to know the characters and such, I'll be sure to give you guys some wolf action!Comment, tell me what you think?

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