Lift x reader x shifty

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You just walked out of the store carrying your groceries that's suppose to last you for the week. You. came to a stop sign. You looked left and right before crossing. The second you stepped on the road a van zommed past you blowing your (h/c) hair in your face. You yelled a few not nice words at them before walking to the other side of the street. You knew that whoever died came back the next day so you didn't care if you got hit but it would still be painful. While you were walking you thought of the trouble making twins Lift and Shifty. Yes you had a crush on them. When you got home you put up all of your groceries you turned on the TV to your favorite show. You looked out the window and realized how late it was and went to get ready for bed.


You woke up and looked at your clock and realized it was three something in the morning. You grabbed a bat you kept under your bed. You walked to your living room and heard shuffling in the kitchen. You looked at the door separating you and from your attacker. You gulped and pushed the door really hard while yelling "Who are you and why are you in my house".

lifty pov

We were in a kitchen stealing from the person who lived here. We usually just watched her sleep. Her beautiful (h/c) (h/l) hair pooling around her. Those soft lips so kissable. We heard the door open and looked at the person. It was her,in a tank top and boxer underwear. I blushed and looked away

back to your pov

You was confused why they looked away until you looked down. You blushed and realized what you were wearing and pulled your top down a little until you saw a bag that Shifty was holding. You raised the bat ready to hit them until Lifty grabbed the bat and tossed it the other way. You got nervous and slowly backed away. The followed you while snickering. Your back hit the wall and you looked away. "Don't look away" said Shifty "yea," said lifty while grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at them. You blushed at the closeness. "We know you like us" said shifty. You blushed and looked down ready for them to laugh at you. "And we like you to" said lifty and then kissed you. You blushed even harder. "Hey share some for me" said shifty and then kissed you. They backed away and you looked down a blushing mess."we'll be back said shifty. And they climbed out the window that was open. You looked at the bag they left and looked inside. It was empty inside exempt for a note you blushed and looked out the window with a small smile.

We will come back to orrow night to show you how much we really love you.

                                                                 -Lifty & Shifty

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