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Beelzebub gazed half-eyed at the mass of demons beneath him swarming hungrily over something that writhed on the ground. From his platform, the King of Demons yawned as his advisers squirmed nervously around him.

"But Master," one of the advisers piped up nervously, "you just threw our best hellion to be devoured. What are we to do now with the list of souls he was scheduled to abduct for Your Excellency's consumption?"

Beelzebub yawned. "I care not how many souls he was supposed to obtain for me in the future. He failed his last mission, thus I had no further use for him. I do not tolerate failure. As for his replacement, just hire some lowly imps to take over the rest of his quota. Now leave me, I require rest." And with that, Beelzebub sank low into his throne as his advisers scurried about, fearfully hurrying to disappear from the sight of the King of the Dead before they met the same fate as the former First Hellion.

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