Chapter One

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Last night, you said you ended up in Palm Springs dancing on tables...

A million hooks around, a million ways to die. Lets go outside, it'll be alright...

"I don't know what to do anymore, Stan!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs. "I saw him," I take a breath. Who are they even talking about? I glance at my clock, 3:17am. What the hell? "I don't care, Molly! We can't tell her.." My dad protests. I sigh, burying my face into my pillow. I'm dreading to wake up...


I push my way through the halls, trying to get to first period. I quickly rush in and sit by Michelle. "Heh, took you long enough.." She whispers. "Yeah, I kind of fell.." My face reddens as I say it, I don't know why. The blonde sighs, gaining a look from Mr. Wells. He's so strict, its not even funny. I pull out last nights homework, vocab. Since first period is biology, vocab is done a lot. Its not the easiest homework, of course that would be no homework, but its not very difficult. Mr. Wells goes around the class and takes everyone's homework. "Thank you, class. Please start doing notes on chapter 6; section 2," He says, grinning. He has a very creepy grin. Like a pedophile..

"Ha! I told you he was hot!" Robin says nudging me. I sigh, look across the hallway to the new kid. "Yeah, he is, I guess" I reply solemnly. "Oh my god! What if he's your match?!" Michelle whispers. "I doubt that, Mich" I respond. Not going to lie, but I did doubt it. It would be a slim chance. That's why my parents married each other, they didn't want to travel the world. I, however, would love to travel. I don't believe in love, though..

I walk into Ms. Jackson's, being the first one to sit and open my notebook. "Hello, Scarlett," The teacher greets. "Hi," I say. Ms. Jackson smiles lightly and returns to her desk as more students fill into the room.

One day,

Our lives will be over.

Our hearts will stop beating.

Our souls will dance freely.

Life can't last forever..


"Scarlett!!" Robin calls. I sigh and turn on my heels. She bounces beside me. "The new kid is in my first period!" She says. I shrug. "I don't know his name, though.." Robin admits, her face dropping. I scoff. "You're really hung up on this guy, aren't you?" I say. She shrugs. "He has a...auroa, But not for me...Scar, I swear I saw-" "Don't..last time you "saw", it wasn't what it was," I cut her off. Robin's face drops more. I sigh and hurry to history, alone.

When I got home, I was so happy. My sister is finally home from her vacation. "LOLA," I exclaim running and jumping on the couch by her. "Charlie!" Lola says. "You're home," I smile and look around for my parents. "Mom and dad-?" "Went out for a 'date'. Its just me and you, little sis," She says. I smile even more. Its like old times; me and Lola alone on a Friday night.

"How about Freddy vs. Jason?" I suggest, going through horror movies. "Nah," Lola responds. "The Exorcist 1973 version..?" I say. "YES YES YES YES YES!!" She answers. I recoil and slowly put the DVD in the player. I crawl on the couch and sit next to Lola, who's silently munching popcorn. The previews slowly play on the TV. I get a kernel of popcorn and pop it in my mouth. The TV soon shows the 'Play Movie', 'Extra Scenes'. etc etc. I grab the remote and click on 'Play Movie'. Soon enough, the riff of the unforgettable theme song of the classic movie.

"MOM. MAKE. IT. STOP!!" The TV screeches. I feel Lola tensing up, she gets scared easily. "Lola, its only a movie," I say, laughing a little at the end. My older sister shudders as I sigh, turning my attention back to the movie. Lola is very distant tonight. "Is anything wrong?" I ask softly. "No...its just Zach is at Uni and I don't get to see him often.." Lola says slowly looking down at our feet. I sigh and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Im sorry. I don't know how you feel but you'll see him soon," I comfort her quietly. She sighs heavily, looking at the TV screen. I do the same, feeling a little bad for Lola.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan and sit up, grabbing it from the coffee table. "Hello?" I answer. "Scar, its Robin. Do you think I can come over?" The phone speaks. "Oh uh...I don't Michelle coming?" I question, fidgeting on the couch. "Um if she can, yeah.." Robin says. "Yeah, okay. I guess you can..." I barely say. I can feel her smile on the other line. "We'll be there at 12," Robin says, hanging up. I shake Lola awake. "Rob and Mich will be here in an hour," i say. She nods and dozes back off, leaving me to get ready. The carpet on the stairs makes my feet feel funny...

"HONEY WE'RE HOME!!" Robin calls, walking in the door with Michelle. I slightly giggle and get off the couch to greet them. "Would you lower your voice? Lola is sleeping," I say. "Correction; Lola was trying to sleep.." Lola says popping up behind me. I jump a little. My sister laughs. "I'll leave you girls to it, then," Lola jokes, trying to sound perverted. I roll my eyes. "You're nasty," I remark as she walks out the door. "Your sister is....odd," Michelle says plopping on the couch. Robin soon follows, as do I. "Yeah, I know. But I have to deal with her," I reply jokingly. "Please! She's like the best sister ever!" Michelle chimes in. I laugh. "Okay, lets just go do something with our lives now!" Robin says, smiling.

Turns out; Robin, Michelle and I all ended up getting coffee for our "Life Change" (as Robin puts it). "Scarlett, please turn your music down. It giving me a head ache!" Michelle calls from the back seat. I scoff and switch into the left lane. "Never, ever," I reply. We pull to a red light. "Hey! Isn't that the new kid?!" Michelle shouts pointing out the window to the crosswalk. "Oh my God! It is!" Robin shrieks. "Seriously, you two are obsessed with that poor boy!" I say. "Sure, we are," Michelle says sarcastically. I grunt and pull into my driveway. "Whatever you say, Mich,"


Falling. Im falling so deep, I cant breathe. "Come closer," say the unknown voice. Tears silently fall as I keep falling down the hole. I don't even know how I got here. "Faster," The voice continues. I want to scream, I want to tell it there's no way in hell I can get there any faster, but I cant. I can only fall. Deeper and deeper..

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