Jeff: Go To Sleep (Part 4)

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Jeff's POV

"Dam it this guys a right cock munch by the looks of it"  said the voice in my head; pretty much just me thinking to myself. I looked him up and down; he was wearing a very reviling dress robe, just looking at it made me want to go to sleep myself. Then Shanna's prick of a foster parent smiled and said "Well em welcome to our home Mr- I cut him off "Jeff" god even his voice was annoying, then I heard the voice in my head again "I need to see blood give me blood give me blood" I yet again heard the insane laugh. The same laugh I used when I was killing my own parents. The feeling was growing inside my very tainted soul, I had to keep it under control if I killed Shanna's foster father she would get the blame. "Well eh Jeff how about you come inside and em you and S-Shanna can go upstairs to eh watch a movie or something" he looked like he was smiling a fake smile. "Sounds good" I smiled thinking about nothing more than driving my knife through his chest. I shook my head to clear the fun filled images of death and destruction, then walked into the house followed Shanna up the stairs and into what looked like a very un-girly room, filled with posters of Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance and Dope, all very good bands so no argument there.

Shanna's POV

"What the hell is he doing?" I thought "First he wants to kill me, then he wants to save me and now he wants to be my boyfriend"  I turned to find him looking at my posters and to my surprize he was smiling, well he's always smiling but just wider than usual. "What?" I asked realizing I hadn't spoken in a while, to which he replied in a modest voice "Oh nothing there all good bands " he said and yet again that creepy yet cute smile of his widened from cheek to cheek. The weird thing was I found my self smiling back. For a brief moment I felt another sudden urge to kiss him but in a more "I love you way"  then I probably said the worst thing to a serial killer "What happened to you?"

Jeff's POV

I can't believe she even asked something like that, I thought the feeling was going to over whelm me when something happened I felt some sort of wetness come over my eyes I was doing something I hadn't done for years. I was crying, the thing was I only had half of my eyelids left with dried in ashes for the rest I tried to half blink them away, yet I couldn't, I sank to the floor like I was in quick sand and my legs where made of jelly, I covered my eyes with the sleeves of my white hoodie and felt a loving warmth take over my tainted mind and black heart, I felt Shanna's arms grab at my waist; a hug, loving care that would of been given by my late mother. "It's OK Jeff" I heard a sweet velvet voice whisper in my ear "It's OK you don't have to tell me, and I'm sorry" I looked up to see Shanna's watery eyes gazing into mine then all I could say was "Thank you" then I started to half close my eyes and go to sleep in Shanna's arms and her in mine, I managed to see her relax onto my shoulder as we fell in a deep sleep.

Shanna's POV

I felt my eyes tightly shut as I was being pulled into a dream. I felt like I awoke in the dream..................only to find the Sender Man waiting on the other side of the creeping darkness his blank face echoed a noise, a voice which said "I've been waiting for you" .

To be continued in the next chapter..........................Chapter 2: Strange Dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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