supercop episode 5 something is strange about that Custodian

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hello my name is Lewis and I'm a librarian and i was busy counting money and when i didn't know this strange custodian was behind me then when i turned around i said ahhhh who the heck are you and the custodian said I'm sorry if i had scared you its just a habitat of mine and sometimes when i scare people they either panic are jump out a window then i said okay i already know that you like to scare people but why are you here I'm the new custodian remember you said that you needed a custodian to clean up the girls bathroom oh yeah i remember but i didn't call for a custodian the girls did oh well I'll clean it up anyway the custodian said alright thank you Mr Lewis said then when i was walking down the hallway and i saw the custodian leaving and he didn't even clean anything so i followed him outside and first i saw him go to the grave yard then i saw him go behind grocery store and this man was standing there like he was waiting on for somebody and the custodian went over to him and the man said so how did it go and then the custodian took of his clothes off and said great I think that's school that we re gonna Rob then the man said hey and after we Rob the school then later we can get some ice cream Mike how many times do I have to tell you criminals don't eat ice cream but my mom does and she's a criminal one of the criminals said then Lewis ran back to the school and went to the phone and Lewis said hello hello are calling for the police the person on the phone said yes well your not in luck because we re not the police we make adult diapers for grown men then Lewis said but where's the police the number is supposed to be 911 yeah and it's a number for people who want adult diapers then Lewis said goodbye then he thought and he said oh who will help me now me a strange voice said and it was supercop and then I said supercop and supercop said and I am here to help you with your problem then supercop triped over something and fell in the trashcan now what is your problem little boy supercop said well you see supercop little boy Lewis said dude I'm 38 years old wow well that explains why you don't have a beard supercop said look supercop this is important it's some criminals who are pretending to be custodians so they can steel stuff from the school then I heard somebody shut the door and supercop said what the heck was that then I said it's the criminals criminals supercop said well here's the plan we wait until they come in then I'm going to scare them with my gun then I said a gun that looks like it's half gun half hammer then supercop said that's because it is half gun half hammer look just stick with the plan okay supercop said then the criminals came into the school and one of them whispered okay we re in the school now what's the plan and one of them were sleeping oh my gosh it looks like I'm gonna have to do slap the heck out of somebody and then supercop said freeze right thier and supercop had his weapon turned the wrong way then Lewis said um supercop what he said back YOU HAVE THE GUN THE WRONG WAY oh then supercop pointed his weapon to his stomach then Lewis said your pointing it at your stomach listen son I have been holding a gun since you were in pre k then on of the criminals said okay why is supercop pointing his gun to the wrong way and his stomach then the other criminal said Mike how many times do I have to tell you don't ask questions just fight not on my watch supercop said ha ha you think that we re scared of a little gun oh it's not just a gun supercop said and then the gun turned into a gun half hammer then supercop said now look who's now then it started shooting BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM then one of the criminals said what are you doing shoot back BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM supercop what don't you think your shooting to fast no because if I was this school would BOOM and the hold thing exploded then the criminals said let's get out here but we will come back then the fireman came and put out the fire and the fireman said well Mr Lewis sign here and now you put your hand on your chest then Lewis said why do i have to put my hand on my heart just do it thee fireman said back then he put his hand on his heart now what do you do if there's a nother fire a you just call the fireman or b you just act stupid and just get burned up um a Lewis said NO YOU JUST SIT THERE AND ACT STUPID AND JUST GET BURNED UP the fireman said okay who just sits there acts stupid and get burned up on purpose my brother the fireman said and left then supercop came too Lewis and eating a ice cream cone hey Lewis supercop said what supercop this ice cream is so good I think the last time I had good ice cream was when I was tackling a red moose then Lewis said wait so you went to go and get ice cream while I'm worrying about was gonna happen to my school then supercop said yeah pretty much and Lewis slapped the ice cream out of supercops hand then supercop said hey what the heck that was my ice cream don't you ever slap a man's ice cream out of there hands supercop please just help me think I mean the criminals said that they will come back Lewis said then supercop was thinking and he said hey I know what we can do what we can put up traps for the bad guys no that won't work well it worked on home alone hey but you know it does kinda sound smart to do see I'm not only dumb I am superdumb yes and you know what supercop I think we might stick with your plan Lewis said then when the school was all fixed supercop and Lewis put up all the traps okay now when the criminals come you throw a rock on there head now you pretend like your a criminal and I drop a rock on your head alright now ready set and action yo what's up hommie and supercop dropped the rock on Lewis are you okay Lewis u huh Lewis said painfully now were all set and ready then the criminals showed up and they said now wow they fixed this school up quick shut up Mike I have to think for a minute let's see we re gonna sneak at the back door and you go to the front door okay so then when the other criminal went to the front door and supercop said now and Lewis dropped down the rock and it knocked the criminal BOOM then the other criminal went to the to the front door and he said Mike are you okay then Lewis dropped down another one and it missed the other one and knocked down the same one BOOM you can drop down all the rocks you want because I'm a good ducker and Lewis dropped down a another rock and it knocked the same one down BOOM and Lewis dropped down and it knocked down the same one BOOM and Lewis dropped another rock and it knocked down the same one hey supercop what this is the last rock well don't just stand there drop it and Lewis was about to drop another rock then the criminal said blah blah hoober what blah blah hoober blah blah hoober and Lewis dropped down the same criminal alright that's the last straw come on Mike then the criminal went inside the school and he put his hand on something and he couldn't get it off of it and he heard something coming and it was paint and stuff and it got all on him and then he slipped and fell then the other criminal he went up the stairs and when he put his hand on the railing and he slipped and fell and they got into a lot of trash and then they went to where supercop and Lewis were at then the criminals said there they are and supercop said Lewis they found us yeah I know if I couldn't see would I be seeing them yes you guys have messed with the wrong criminals I thought that I was about to say that shut up Mike hey supercop Lewis whispered what that's the button for your car right well yeah mash it why just do it okay and supercop mashed the button and his car came in and it knocked down both of the criminals and they called the police and the police took the criminals away then one of the fireman came up to supercop and Lewis and he said Mr Lewis I'm sorry that I yelled at you okay so why are you apologizeing now Lewis said because my mom told me to yeah I still live with my parents could you turn around the fireman said I saw a dollar on the ground then when Lewis bent down and the fireman got a broom a slapped Lewis on the butt BAM then he slapped supercop on the butt BAM hey don't you never hit a superhero in the butt hey supercop thanks for helping me stop those criminals from robbing the school your welcome hey and can I get a book sure you can Lewis said and I am here to help you with your problem and once again supercop fell in the trashcan the end now the cast prince Drayton as supercop braid doirf as Lewis Alberto Rodriguez as criminal number 1 Luke osten as criminal number 2 and Robert Englund as the fireman the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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