chapter 10

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Tae in the mm

Ja'keria pov

I woke up next to my baby peacefully sleep. I turned on the TV and my phone started ringing. I looked down and it was jordan.

😋😻😘 wifey 😘😻😋


she yelled I pulled the phone back from my ear and looked at it then put it back to my ear.

"For one Jordan stop screaming and two I'm in the hospital because this guy kidnapped me and raped me"

"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't know I will come with you what is the name of the hospital"

"Umm Brooklyn regional hospital"

"Ok I'm on my way"



End call

I put my phone on the nightstand by me and looked over at xavier who stirred in his sleep so I guess he was waking up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said sitting up

"Morning handsome" I said

"Did the doctor doctor ever speak to you" he said

"No wh-" I said but was interrupted by the door

"Good morning ja'keria how are you feeling" the doctor said

"I'm feeling find umm sir what is your name" I said

"Doctor Spencer" he said

"Oh ok" I said

"I'm here to inform you that you are two weeks pregnant and your vagina is tore badly so it may hurt when you use the restroom but If you have any questions feel free to call my extinction" he said and walked to the bored and wrote is extinction down

"Umm o-ok" I said

I was lost of words. I really didn't know what to do all I was thinking was what should I do? Who will be their for me? Where would I live? I was thinking so much I didn't even realize I was crying when xavier wiped my eyes.

"Bae what's wrong" he said

"A lot of shit a lot I don't know what I will do who will I go to for help my mom don't care bout me all she do is beat me I just gotta get outta that place I can't stay their and its hard. For starters don't have a job. Im still in school why the fuck bad shit happens to me? Why me? I can't live like this anymore" I said with tears rolling down my eyes

"Baby stop talking like that you got me and my family I'm not gonna leave you" he said

"Oh ok" I said with my head down

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