Chapter 27

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Ant P.O.V

6 Months Later...

It has been six months since I found out that Chyna's baby girl was mine. So far the co-parenting with Chy has been easy. She hasn't tried to get at me or anything. It is simply co-parenting. Nothing more or nothing less. I know y'all nosey asses are wondering about my personal life, and to answer all of y'all questions. Yes, Kim and I are still kicking it. We made it official about a month ago. She wasn't too happy when I told her Chyna's baby was mine, but she understood and she loves my baby just as much as I do.

Right now I was on my way to Chyna's house to pick up Kailee and take her to the park. I've been spending every weekend with her when I come home from school. Yes, your boy is going to college. I'm playing ball at the University of Southern Mississippi. Well, me, Dre, and Ace all got a basketball scholarship there. And you know Pooh and Ash are inseparable, so they're there too. Basically the whole gang decided to go to school together. We are currently out for Thanksgiving break and I planned on spending the whole break with baby girl and Kim.

But anywho, I pulled up in Chy's drive way. I got out and walked up to the door and knocked. Chy's step mom opened the door holding a sleeping Kai.

"Oh, hey Antwon. You must be here to pick Kailee up?", Ms. Lindy asked.

"Yes ma'am", I responded.

"Well come on in. I have to go upstairs and get her bag", she said and opened the door wider so I could step in. I walked in the living room and sat down on the couch.

Ms. Lindy returned 10 minutes later with Kailee's diaper bag packed and ready to go.

"Here you go", she said and handed me Kailee and her bag. "Y'all have a good weekend now. Bye Kai Kai", she kissed Kai's cheek and gave me hug.

"Bye Ms. Lindy", I hugged her backed and walked out the door.

I made my way to my car and unlocked the doors. I put Kai in her car seat and buckled her down. As I was walking around to the driver's side, I saw a red Camry pull up in the drive way. Chyna stepped out and locked the doors. I'm guessing that's her new ride. I nodded my head towards her, and got in my car. Before I could pull off, Chyna knocked on my window. I looked at her like she was crazy and let my window down.

"Wassup?", I asked.

"Um... Hey.", she said kind of nervous. "I was just wondering how long you was planning on keeping Kai, that's all."

"The whole week, if that's cool with you. Or do you have something planned for the two of you?"

"Oh no, that is fine. I guess it gives me sometime to myself and a little peace and quiet to do some school work", she said.

"Alright, cool. I'll drop her off around 1 Thursday so she can spend time with you and your family too", I told her.

"Okay. And I'll just drop her back off at your place that night."

"Sounds like a plan."

She nodded her head, "Okay, bye Kai Kai. Mommie loves you and be good for your ugly daddy.", she said to Kailee and blew her a kiss.

I shook my head, "Girl you know I'm the finest nigga you ever laid eyes on." I smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Bye." She said and walked away from the car. I laughed and reversed out of her drive way.





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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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