Where are you?

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(Monday, March 17th, 10:45pm)


I was over at Rayan's house in Alaina, his sister's room, the both of us playing with her toys while my Mom comforted Rayan's Mom downstairs in the living room.

Ray hasn't been home for 2 days, and his Mom is losing it.

I told them he's probably with his new boyfriend. But he could at least contact someone to let them know he's fine.

But why should I care?

After the incident from last month, neither Rayan nor I have spoken a word to each other. There's nothing I have to say to his backstabbing ass.

Alaina put down her doll and looked at me.

"Santo...is Ray gon' be okay?"

"To be honest, I don't really know Alaina."

"Do you know who he with?"

"Don't worry about it Alaina...I promise he's okay. How's 1st grade for you?"

"I don't like it..."

"Why not?"

"The kids pick on me because they know my brother is gay."

I stared at her, my eyes enlarged.

Do 1st graders really make comments like these? Why should it matter? To judge someone for who they are?

"How do they know?"

"Some of them got brothers and sisters that go to y'all school...Santo...Is being gay a bad thing?"

I looked at Alaina, looking at her confused face.

Was it necessarily a bad thing? I mean, love is love...right? But I guarantee I wouldn't have to deal with any of this if I stayed like I was...

Before I could reply, I heard a loud noise across the hall, in Ray's room. Alaina looked at me and I nodded.

"Stay here Alaina. Don't come out your room, unless I come back in here."




I got up and walked out of her room, closing her door behind me. I suppose they didn't hear the noise from downstairs since no one came up here to check on it.

I sighed, and took multiple deep breaths. I opened up the door and saw Rayan doubled over on his bed, holding his head.


He looked at me and gave a partial smile.

I walked to him and his breathing was frazzled. I touched his shoulder and he shrugged my hand away.

"Leave me alone..."

"Where have you been? Everyone's been worried about you!"

He laid down on his bed, arms outstretched.

"Even you?"

He pointed at me and I turned from him, looking outside his open window. He chuckled and sang in a mocking tone,

"I thought not!"

He stood up and went to the window and pointed out of it.

"I climbed up from the ladder!"

I pulled him back from the window by grabbing on his shirt and he turned to me, shoving me forcefully.

"Don't touch me!"

"I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need help!"

And before I could retort, he vomited on the floor. I gagged and stepped back, watching as everything came up from his stomach out threw his mouth.

But the irregular thing was, he was spitting up blood, and I knew something was really wrong then.

I ran out of the room and downstairs, getting the attention from Rayan's Mom and mine.

"R-Ray...upstairs! Bu--"

His Mom darted upstairs and suddenly we heard a loud shriek. I ran up there to see Ray's Mom cradling Ray's head in her lap as they weren't too far from where he threw up.

"C-Call the ambulance. He's not breathing..."

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