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"I need a piss"
"Stop lying"
"I'll piss on the floor then"
"Your disgusting...."
"Hehe... what are you going to do about it Doc?"
"Speechless?  Ok I hope you won't mind me doing this..."

Evan traced the scar on his side. It was an ugly sight, the skin flaked around the perfect cut line. He could never forget what happened in that room. He remembered how Jonathan, his childhood best friend now a patient, had thrown him across the room and bit him before driving that glass into him.

"Could Doctor Vanoss please come to floor -2 and room 25"
Evan sighed softly and stood up "I hope this patient isn't so crazy" he chuckles proceeding to walk to the dull white elevator.

It didn't take him long to get to the underground. This was where the more crazy and non fixable patients were but the other doctors and specialists in psychology called them animals and treated them as animals too.

He found room 25 and his body stiffened. What Evan saw had made his blood run cold. This was the last person he'd expect to see here in this messed up facility.

"T-Tyler?..." Evan croaked out walking quite slowly into the room. The male in the room spun round to meet the concerned face that his old friend had "Evan why? Why are you in this shit hole?!" Tyler gasped.

He left no time for Evan to reply as he grabbed him "Evan... Evan Evan Evan Evan.... where is Craig?" He asked tightening his grip on Evans shirt.

"Craig? I don't know! He's not here okay..." Evan quickly said not wanting to anger Tyler. Besides if he had to be the one to tell Tyler about Craig and the train. Then Evan would rather die and take that secret to his grave.

Tyler slowly let go and smiled weakly "Yeah... its good... Good he shouldn't be here..." he gulped trying to hold back those salty tears that were forming in his eyes. "Tyler?" Evan called. His friend turned away from him and walked into the corner "I'm alright.. Please give me a moment" Tyler requested,  Evan understood completely and left.

H20vanoss is my OTP :D hopefully this fanfic wasn't shit

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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