Never Ask Scary People Anything

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Let's drop out of this crowd, somewhere no one's allowed.

(Before we start, Tartarus is hell like literally. It's a word for it in Greek mythology)


Zendaya eventually brought us towards a massive lift, which took up most of a side of a wall. Once again, there was a keypad in which Zendaya typed in some numbers, and I tried to peer but Skai stopped me with a death glare.

"CeCe," Zendaya called Skai's nickname, "You go ahead. We have to stop at the I.D gate,"

"Ooh," Skai wiggled her brows, "Is it because of Luna?"

Zendaya blushed a deep shade of red and mumbled almost inaudibly, "No,"

Who the fuck is this Luna girl?

Ignoring the sudden thought, I looked away, thinking that maybe Luna was a nickname for a guy, but it was a long shot. Anyway, I wasn't homophobic or anything, I mean, I'd never do that, but it was surprising for some wild reason, because if I were to bet on it, I'd say she was straight.

Or maybe I was just over analyzing things. Maybe she only blushed because she was allergic to something close to her at the moment, or this Luna person had embarrassed her sometime in the past.

I didn't get much time to think about the endless possibilities, because I was pushed forward forcefully by someone.

Zendaya spoke up, "This isn't a good time to daydream, little boy, you could get killed any second,"

I didn't respond but walked with her to a small booth which came into view after we took a sharp turn next to the lift. There was a pale girl in there, her eyes almost as light as ice and her gaze seemed to make me freeze.

Ice princess from hell.

Oh wait, that makes no sense.

Zendaya seemed just as uncomfortable as me in this girl's presence, which provided some comfort, but unlike me, she walked forwards towards this lady, and started to talk.

"We need a visitor or criminal I.D for Zayn here," she jerked her thumb at me harshly, "Either one is fine,"

I was no criminal, as far as I knew, but I was sensible not to argue.

I tentatively walked to where Zendaya was and I got a good look at the ice princess. She was wearing the same uniform as many here did; white pantsuit with a simple name tag. Hers read 'Luna Maverick'.

She glanced at me icily, and I shuddered, but both girls seemed to ignore my reaction because Luna simply handed Zendaya a 'visitor' tag.

"Thanks," Zendaya said coldly, "Let's go, Zayn,"

Swallowing my smart aleck comments towards Luna's name, I walked into the lift, which looked like a normal one you'd see in a mall, just larger, and let it descend us into a probable hell.


Haha, I'm so funny.

Zayn, push your Percy Jackson fanboy down. Don't act like this. Even if you are totally, without a regret, gay for Nico.


It didn't surprise me that it took so long to get down. Judging by how Skai and Zendaya spoke of these scary headquarters, it could very well be an evil underground lair where they would kill me painfully. Of course, for that they'd need to be far away from the real world, where this action was punishable by law.

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