Chapter 3- One huge mistake

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Ravens POV

I start freaking out because I have know idea of how I can get back in the house without being caught. Stupid rain! Go away! Gosh I'm just about crying, I'm so pathetic... Idiot! Idiot! IDIOT! I scream at myself in my head.

I have no way to get back inside but by going through the front door. This is gonna be fun (note the sarcasm...). I sneak around the front of the house cautious not to much noise but I can't exactly help the squelching of mud beneath my feet. I really should have worn shoes...

I sneak up the three steps to the front door unsure of what to do next I just stand there awkwardly for a moment, typical me moment. So many thoughts are rushing through my head as i stand there. What if I get grounded and am never able to see Damin again? I tentatively step up to the door reach out and place my hand on the cold handle, my intention to try to open the door. I really, really hope dad hasn't locked it...

I try to trun the handle to open the door but it's just my luck, it's locked. Argh! Really?! Why does dad start deciding to lock the door tonight of all nights?! I step back forgetting there are steps behind me and fall in a puddle of mud at the bottom.

Wow, hasn't this been just a great night (again note the sarcasm).

I get to my feet looking down at my now soaked, muddy clothes. I don't know what to do next. With my mind blank I choose to creep back around the side of the house hoping by some mirical that my window is now open, I slowly walk toward it with the mud squelching between my toes. Ew, gross. I'll definatly be needing a shower after this.

I attempt one more time to pry the window open using all the tactics I can think of; trying to pull from the corner, trying to push it inwards and then open it, but nothing works.

I walk around the house and once again check all of the windows are closed, hoping that by some chance that dad has accedentially left a window open somewhere. He was always somewhat starnge, ensuring all the windows were shut at night and not locking the door... I soon find that luck seems to have run out for me. I groan in frusteration, not a single window would open even the tiniest fraction. It seems I'm in for a long night outside...unless...

I go back around to the front door and quickly step up to the top step, ignoring and stepping straight over the bottom two. This was the moment of truth, do I get caught? or do I manage too get back inside? My heart rate has increases majorly and I am now shaking, but the thing is it's not from the cold.

I raise my hand and quickly knock on the door before turning around as quickly as possible and bounding down the steps. Making one huge mistake.

Argh' I exclaim as I fall on my butt once again. The mud! The stupid, evil, devious mud! Or maybe it's just me that's stupid for trying to run while it's muddy.... Nah, it's not my fault. Stupid mud. Stupid rain.

On top of that I notice the eyes of something, or rather, someone starring at me from the tree line of our property.

I hear the lock of the door clicking open and my heart rate increases even more.


Not so happy with this chapter again it is short but I don't know how to write down how I have been thinking I want this to turn out...

Anyway thank you for reading :)

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