Fifty Three

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The bell rang and we proceeded to attack each other within the second.

In the middle of the match, I Drop Kicked him which made him fall down to his knees.

It didn't feel right knowing that I was wrestling a guy and that he was in a rivalry with Dolph. It just felt weird. But I let it go, because I had to win this match so I can proceed to stay the Women's Champion.

I kept my act together and started to build up the energy and power to bring him down with my new signature called Clara Era and win the match.

I don't know how I managed to win, but I did.

Now, I go on to have a non title match against Sasha Banks.

Skip Ahead

It was WrestleMania 33, I couldn't believe that I've had my title for a whole year.

We were down in Orlando, Florida for WrestleMania 33. It was absolutely beautiful down here. Especially on the beach, where we currently were.

I was actually looking forward for tonight.

"Wow. Isn't this amazing? I would love to live here. But we already live in Florida so I don't have to care." I laughed as I told Dolph.

"Your something. I can tell you that."

"Well, your a dork! So I guess were even." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Don't make me chase you." He threatened.

"Come at me bro."

"Alright, you asked for it." He dropped our stuff and took off his shirt.

"Nice abs. They'll get better as you chase me."

I ran, but I was to fast for him.

"You son of a bitch. Your fast."

"I know."

"Anyways, let's grab our stuff and go to the arena and get ready, it's almost show time."

"Yeah." I picked up some of our stuff.

He grabbed me by my waist.

"Haha. I got you."

"You asshole."

Our lips soon connected. It got so intense, that we fell on the ground and almost made out right on the spot.

"We have to go."

"Awe. Damn it. I was having fun. Party pooper."

"I'll give some to you later."

"Looking forward to it."

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