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Church was early the next morning, and Patrick dreaded it even more than breakfast. They were in the chapel every Sunday for at least two hours while the priest spoke in Latin, which Patrick could barely understand. Not that he really had any interest to anyway.

His parents always spent the ride back home discussing the bible story of the mass, as if Patrick and Ginny actually knew what was happening. They nodded and hummed agreement at the appropriate times.

Patrick retreated back to his room once they were home as usual, despite his mother's suggestion to spend a little time outside or get ahead on his schooling. There was nothing he wanted more than to be alone and to work on his art.

The sketching was finally finished, and Patrick fished out his coloring pencils to begin shading the creature purple. He began at the tail this time, getting darker as he moved up towards the main body. He became so engrossed in his work that Patrick didn't even notice when Earl was peering over his shoulder.

"That is looking quite nice," he complimented. Patrick physically jumped at the sudden sound.

"You scared me, Earl!" He exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart. "How did you even get in here?"

The servant raised an eyebrow. "The door was unlocked. . ?"

Patrick was lucky it was only him who had come in. "Oh, I did not realize it was. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I had just come up to alert you that dinner is ready."

Patrick couldn't believe how it had been that quick, be he remembered that time seemed to fly by faster when he was drawing and shrugged it off. He pushed the materials carefully into the bottom drawer and travelled down to the dining room.


Nothing out of the norm happened in the next few weeks, except for the fact that Patrick's father was extraordinarily busy. He was normally in his office-like room everyday anyway, but this time it was ordered that nobody were to bother him, not even his own wife.

All of the meals were shortened by him quickly shoving food down and running back off to the office. He never spoke of what he was doing or why. Everyone knew never to ask.

One Tuesday night at supper, he finally spoke directly to Patrick and Ginny.

"Tomorrow you two will be taken on a day trip around the near village. I have decided that you are finally old enough to know how we govern the country, starting with the lower classes. Normally, I would be joining you, but I have far too much work to be leaving the castle. Because of such, one of our tutors will be educating you as you go around. You will not be in the grand carriage as we normally travel in, but in a smaller vehicle to protect your identities."

They were silent for a moment, both a little astonished at the words directed towards them. He faced Patrick and continued.

"There will be more of these in the future, but mostly just for you. I want you to learn early on how to take care of the country, since it will be your job sometime in the future."

Patrick nodded slowly, a fork full of roast beef still halfway to his mouth where it had stopped when his father began speaking.

"Breakfast will be one hour early, and the carriage will be leaving at eight. Do not make them wait," he glared at his son. Patrick nodded again. "All right, well that seems settled then. Now if you excuse me," he pushed out his chair and retreated down the hall, presumably back to where he had been every day for the past three weeks.


The next morning, Patrick knew that there would be absolutely no way of getting away with getting up late. He followed his father's orders by arriving at breakfast on time and being ready to go in the carriage by eight o'clock. Ginny and the tutor, Duke, were there waiting for him and they took off once he was seated.

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