Chapter 1

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I started to open my eyes but in reality, I really didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to fall back to sleep in this lush field of green and purple. Then, there was one voice that grabbed my attention.


I started to doubt that voice. Was this person really calling for me? Who was this person? It seemed so familiar. But I decided to ignore it though.

But it was then that I heard the voice again.

"Beauty... Wake up. You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping in this kind of place."

This time, the voice was so close to my ear that I could feel the hotness of that person's breath. The only person that I could think of with that voice was Klaus. I could then tell that it was him because of the distinct deepness in his voice. But I refused to wake up. I wanted to stay there for a little while longer.

So I decided to pretend that I was sleeping until he left. But after a few minutes, I felt a large but gentle hand run through my hair. His large, slender fingers felt wonder through my hair. Because he did that, it made me draw my cheek closer to his warm hand.

He then whispered, "If you don't wake up now, I'll have to kiss you."

His voice was so sweet that it made me smile at the mellowness of his voice.

He continued, "I'm so glad to have you in my life. I love you, Beauty. I hope you feel the same way as well."

This cannot be real. This had to be a dream. The Klaus I knew would never say such sweet things to me. If this really was a dream, it was one of the best out of all my dreams. I then started to open my eyes and decided to reply, "I love you too, Klaus. No matter what, I will always love you. Please... Stay with me?"

He smiled at me and said, "Of course, Beauty. I will always stay by your side."

I wished that the Klaus that I know now was as sweet as this Klaus in this dream. I was enjoying the sweetness of this dream but  it was then...

"Wake up!"

I feel something heavy and hard fall onto my head. This brought me back to reality. This made me lift my head up quickly from the desk. I looked up to see Klaus standing in front of me. Klaus crossed his arms and said, "Good grief. It seems you can sleep like a log anywhere you go, Beauty. I'm surprised that it also includes my office."

I looked to see what Klaus was holding in his hands. In his right hand, he held a big, bulky grimoire. I told Klaus, "You didn't have to use that to wake me up."

Klaus replied, "I tried to wake you up many times before but it was no use. When it comes to you, I hardly believed that you would get drowsy by over-studying. I assume you spent the whole night chatting away with your friend. Am I right?"

He was absolutely right. But I said, "That may be but you should have treated me better than that."

I started to imagine the Klaus from my dream. But Klaus said, "Even though you lack energy, I'm glad you decided to wake up."

Before I made an attempt to talk back, Klaus held a cup of tea in front of me. I took a sniff of it. I smelled the amount of Earl Grey tea. This made my eyes open wide. I then said, "Thank you!"

I have to admit. Klaus makes the best tea I know of. When Klaus handed me the cup of tea on the saucer, he started to chuckle. I was confused. So I asked, "What's the matter? Is there something funny?"

Klaus replied back, "Well... I didn't expect you to instantly come around with just a cup of tea since you were so mad at me a minute ago. That makes me think you're quite naive and simple, Beauty."

Shall We Date? Wizardess Heart: The Performing Festival (ON HOLD) [EDITING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ