Chapter 3

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A week has passed. Hadley told Emma that she was on a date with Mario before Emma's date. Emma didn't believe her. Hadley and Mario had a breakup in the hall. Emma saw it so she now believes it but leaves it because they broke up. As of now Mario doesn't know that Emma knew about Hadley.

Hey guys it's Emma. Second week of school, I'm unsure of what's happening at my school right now. Uh oh there's Jessica. "Hey turd, why less makeup today? Finally took my advice!" Jessica taunted. "Look Jessica we don't have to be friends but either respect me or leave me alone" I said in fear of JESSICAS response. "Ok..." *rolls eyes* "so I heard that you and Mario are a thing now, huh?" Jessica asked suspiciously. "Yeah I guess so" I said smiling. "Well Mario and I were a thing and still will be so you better watch out." I honestly didn't know what to say so I walked away. I heard a wierd sound against the lockers. I look back curious as to what it was. A hall over I saw hands snatch Jessica. I ran around the corner and no one was there, not even Jessica. One thing was left behind. The scent of my favorite perfume and a drop of blood.

The 2 Way RelationshipDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora