Chapter 1

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There was something off about the atmosphere after the party. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but it seemed-- dead. If I had listened to my gut, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like I did-- I think about this a lot, if only I had taken the ride home that Janice, my best friend, had offered me. Well, here's my story.

I had just left the party, which was held in a graffiti-covered, brick building. Not even an hour ago the party was roaring, people dancing intensely, heavy techno music blaring, and people slamming alcoholic beverages down. Now the remaining people were leaving and staggering to their cars. It was twelve o' four a.m. and it almost pitch black outside except for the full moon and spotlights dotting the streets. The illuminated streets, cast by the spotlights, cast dim lighting and made the outside atmosphere feel creepy. The wind was blowing and it was freezing, I wrapped myself tighter in my Nirvana hoodie. Dark, smokey clouds indicated rain. I pulled out my phone and checked the weather, my phone read that it was 65 degrees out and the humidity was at 75 percent with a 90 percent chance of rain. I hear a car rolling up next to me.

It was Janice, my best friend. "Hey Car, you want a ride?" She smiled at me, appearing to be half-drunk.

"No, thank you. I think I'll walk." I replied, trying to be nice.

"You sure? It looks like it's going to start storming again?" She said with a concerned look on her face, her words were kind of slurred together.

"I'll be fine. You know I love the rain," I say smiling, "and even if it does storm bad, I have my umbrella." I pull my umbrella out of my hoodie pocket to show her.

"Uhm-- If you're sure-- I'm gonna get going now." She said, pulling away slowly, an awkward look is formed on her face. I snort, she's such an awkward human being.

I waited until she was gone, pulled the hood of my jacket over my head, it drooping over my face slightly, and I started walking. It was freezing so my hands were stuffed in my pockets and I was trying to bundle myself up as much as I could. I like the cold, though, and I like walking, it provides me with time to think about things. I think about my dad, he left me and my mom when I was five. I still remember him vaguely, from what I remember, he was a really nice guy-- I don't know why he would leave us.

There's a fork in the road, splitting them apart. My train of thought breaks. "Hmm-- Shortcut or no shortcut?" I question myself, thinking, standing on the side of the road in a spotlight. I smile. "Shortcut," I decide. I make my way down the left road, thinking about prom now, it's a month away, and, yes, I've been asked by several people-- but the guy I want to go with still hasn't asked me-- Maybe I should ask him?

I approach an old bridge that's been out of commission for quite some time now. It's shaped in an arch and has graffiti inside it on the walls. I'm pretty sure I heard rumors that the bridge was made in the middle ages, and it's closed because it had some safety concerns, but the contractors hired to inspect it never showed up, some people think they mysteriously disappeared.

I hear a loud, snapping noise behind me; I spin around. There's a pale boy in a black hoodie standing about fifty paces behind me. He appeared to be about seventeen or eighteen, and he had intense brown eyes, and brown hair.

"Shit," the boy murmured when he saw that I'd noticed him.

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