2. The Less I Know, The Better (Draft Version)

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Author's Note: Yes yes, the song here isn't the best for the whole chapter, but I feel like it fits with the mood of the chapter :3 Listen to it however you want, before, after, whenever! It's up to you when you'd like to listen to it much like the song in the last chapter.

Though the intended song was this one, but I was too lazy to figure out the time stamp to just jump to the actual song, as the music video is just...no, in the beginning. Please skip to 1:16 if you want to listen to a more lighter sounding song that fits the mood of the chapter better.

With that said, enjoy :3


Ugh...my head.
Why's everything so blurry?
Where am I?
What's rubbing against my hand?
Who...what are these things hanging in my face?!

"Why the hell are your breasts so damn close to his face Linda?! He's just a child! He don't need to see those things floppin' in his face when he wakes up! Remember the others? How they freaked out when they saw those?".

A male voice...


...wait...others? What would he mean by that?

"You think I could help it Devin?!" a female voice barks.

I'm feeling very weak for some reason, so I decided to go back to sleep...

...guess that wasn't such a good idea.


"GAH! GET OFF ME HUMAN!" I demanded after the male started violently shaking me. Funny how he asked the female...Linda I presume, not to scare me, as he's the one doing the scaring at the moment. He's what I believe you would call a hypocrite.

"Alright alright, jeez!" he responded, backing away with his hands up, indicating that it would never happen again. (It better not happen again, or I'd claw his eyes out...oh wait. I forgot. I have no talons). "Just wanted to know if youz was alright. Thought youz was a goner there for a second."

The male had...y...ye...yellow hair? Right? No, brown. Ha, must've been the light I saw instead of his hair.

What? Didn't think owls knew what colors were? You humans. Always underestimating our smarter, better looking, race. Makes me sick...

...sick to my stomach!

Why don't I have hair on my head?

And how do I still even know what hair even is?

Anyway, he had short(ish) brown hair on his head, that looked like mud and dirt trying to make a child of some sorts, arms that looked like giant oak trees, and a face that looked like rocks embedded into a log...or a tree or something. Kinda scary looking honestly. Not to mention he was about as tall as a mountain compared to my puny staure. But I shouldn't really be intimidated by him. He seems too stupid to hurt even a fly. How can I tell? Well...go back to his description.

That and he seems to have...erm...feelings for the female. Linda, I believe. I mean, it's completely obvious! If he didn't have feelings for her, I wouldn't even be talking to myself about this!

Rebirth: The Trail Of Being Human (Book One Of The Oswald Tales)Where stories live. Discover now