chapter 21

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Tody's p.o.v. (this could be a trigger for cutting or deppressein then don't read.)

Charlotte !help me.

(Charlotte rushes in the room.)

C.what honey do you need?

T.I can't fucking French braid my dam hair!(stomps foot.)

C.come here I will do it.

T.(gets up ) thank you. problem what am i here for. laugh at me when I do something stupid.

C.(laughs) yes I am come on we are gonna be late for school.

T.I'm coming (runs)

C.what week is it tody?

T.its c week .

C.yay that means we have all of our classes together!

T.yep why are you so excited ?

C.cause I love c week!

T.what am I gonna do with you? late come on cause we are .

T.shit! come on.(grabs Charlotte and runs)

C.whoah!!stop running I'm going to fall!

T.well you should have stopped talking !

(Arivves at school)

Mr.danger.girls you are both five minutes late.

T and c.sorry mr.danger.

Mr.danger.both of you have detention.

C.detention! Mr.danger I'm sure there is something else I can do.

T.Charlotte its just detention I go there all the time.

C.its going to go on my permanent record I'm going or die.

T.chill child !your okay.

C.look Mr.danger your a good dude just give tody dention and not me .!I will give you more if you dont serve it.

C and t.okay yes sir.

C.I can't believe this!

T.its fine just clam down.!I will not I'm going home.(walks away)

T.okay I guess I am too.

(At home)

I put my stuff down .maybe my parents were not home.

M.what the hell are you doing home.

D.yeah what the fuck?

Great my parents are drunk.

T.umm....I don't feel good. are a fucking liar kid get your ass over here.

T.(walks over there)

M.(grabs her shirt)now I want you to tell me why the fuck your ugly ass is home so dam early.

T.I got dention. little bitch get out of my house now.

The next thing I know I feel two beer bottles thrown at my back. Now there is glass stuck in my back. I'm going to go to Curtis's house and stay the I walk out of the house they curse their heads off at me . at that moment I realized I'm never coming back to that house. I start to think about when I was little. Before my parents were drunk and hated me all the time.


I'm under at table and I'm hiding playing with my mom.its been 10 minutes and she had not found me I was freaking out. Then I heard my mom call my name.

M.tody!! Where are you baby girl.

T.right here mommy!

M.where? (starts walking around the house)

T.under the table.

M.(scoops me up) there you are my baby.

T.mommy! I thought you forgot me.

M.I would never forget you , I love you with all my heart.

T.I love you to mommy!

(End of flashback)

As I wipe tears from my eyes I realized I was at Curtis door.


C. Are you OK?

T.hell yeah! Just got glass in my back.

C.come on in I'll get you cleaned up.

T.thank you.

C.your staying the night aren't you?

T.can I? Please!

C.of course you can.(opens his arms)

T.(hugs him)thank you.

C.any time...(looks at her) I love you.

T.(looks at him) I love you too. let's get that glass out of your back.

(They both go into the house)

After two hours of gets glass out of my I'm going to bed .

T. I'm going to bed good night.

C.okay you can sleep in my bed,and I'll sleep on The couch . No I'll sleep on the couch its fine. your sleeping in my bed.(pushes her into the room.)

T.OK goodnight.

C.goodnight see you in the morning.

Authors note: sorry I have note updated in a while.there has been shit happening . thank you for all of you that are still reading . sorry if this deppress you.

T.please can I?

C.of course you can.(opens his arms)

T.(hugs him) thank you.

C.any time ....(looks at her) I love you.

T.(looks at him) ...I love you too.(leans her head into his chest)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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