Good Bye With Cole

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Just like any Monday morning the airport was crowded. Commuters hustled about. Mom's and dad's trying to keep their children under control, feeding them with snacks and activities. Even with the hustle and bustle the only person you could pay attention to was Cole. You had both been up since 3am because Cole wanted to be tired enough to sleep on the plane and you couldn't bare to miss a moment without him. 

Your heart ached so much you thought you may actually die. Of course you guys had said good bye plenty of times, but this was so much different.  He was going to Europe for three whole weeks. Even when he tours for six weeks at a time you are always a plane ride away from snuggling with him. 

You both just stood there together. You were fully enveloped in him, trying to ingrain the feel of his sweater on your cheek. Trying to memorize the way his hands felt on your skin. The way his scent made you feel safe. You both knew if you talked that both of you would cry. So you stood there, trying to minimize the pain. It wasn't working. Every second you stood in silence felt like another second closer to you impending explosion. 

"Please please don't leave" you begged him again. 

"You know the drill. I've got to"

"But I need you too"

"I promise you that everything is going to be okay, it's 3 weeks, that's only 21 sleeps, and then well be back together"

"the apartment is going to be so empty. Who's going to leave dirty tee shirts and crinkled papers all over the place. Who is going to save the day when I lock myself out. What about the fish, you know I always forget to feed them. I'm going to kill them. You'e going to come back and they'll all be dead." with your chest heaving and tears running down your cheek you continued to try to convince him to stay "Everything is going to fall apart Cole"

"(y/n)" You could hear the tears stinging his voice, the words stuck in his throat "Everything is going t o be okay you can call me anytime of day. I promise, I'll answer."

A flight attendant comes over the speaker, calling for the last passengers on the flight. 

"that's me, I'm sorry"

"one last kiss" you ask him through the tears.

Even with your eyes stinging, and throat burning, kissing Cole somehow made it okay. His lips somehow magically fixed everything. You didn't know how you were going to get through the next three weeks without them. 

Burying your head in his chest you embraced him one last time.

"I love you" you mumbled, not even sure if he could hear you over everything. 

"I love you more" he whispered softly in your ear.

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