chapter 2 (talk about him)

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Hieee guys I'm back sorry took time but here is next chapter🌼🌼am still not happy with the response guyzz!!😓😓 hope you like my chapter one plzzz guys let me know 😘😘and plzzz like and comments it guys it will really make my day people!!!so let's begin with chapter again

**Isabella**while I was walking to school form home I was just thinking that what dad and mom wants to talk about cause I'm really worried cause I have never said ""NO"" word to my family I have always listen to my mom and specially dad. As soon I reach I meet my friend **Emma**
Hiieee Isabella how was the morning I'm sure looking at your face shows me that you are tensed about something cause I'm your friend but sister too and I know you very well

Yea Emma I'm tensed cause while having my breakfast I had a conservation with dad and he was telling that he and mom wants to talk to me about my future and I'm pretty sure it will word **MARRIAGE**which makes me sick cause I don't want to live with stranger.

Don't worry don't be over thinking about it, if it marriage see what they say and even Isabella we need to marry one day so why not in this age only. Now let go to class otherwise we will be late like yesterday😂.

So me and Emma went to class and attend our lecture and then we had a lunch at school and then we decided to have a walk to garden cause whenever I'm tensed I always like to go to garden cause there is a full silent so it makes my mind peace and good!!
So after school we went to garden and had a talk for little then Emma got a call from her mother to come home early so she went to home.
So it was time 6 so I decided to go to home cause dad said they want to talk with me so in 40 minutes I reach home.

So in that time Isabella mom And dad talk about her marriage with her grandparents too❤❤

**Isabella mom and dad**
**mom** so did you talk to your friend about thier son cause hours have be went and you didn't even said a word about it.....
**dad**yea I have talk to my friend so they agree they said they will be coming tomorrow to meet us and our daughter and they said thier son is 20 years so I think it is good. Just we need to talk Isabella about it.
**Mom**ok let's wait for her till I'll arrange the table for dinner**
**end of the conservation**

I reach home and then dad said go get fresh up and then we will have dinner and talk about your future and I was tensed that what will be talk about....
So I went to my room And change my dress to night dress and then coming downstairs so while coming to downstairs my little brother said be ready😰so I rush to beat him cause he is very naughty and he always makes me irritate.
Soo the while eating dinner there was silent for few 10 minutes so I also didn't speak anything then dad start to have a conservation ahead....And my heart beats like so fast😂

**conservation of Isabella and mom and dad**
**mom**Isabella my daughter we want you to have a perfect life soo please don't take us wrong my child...
**Isabella**mom plzzz tell me what you talking about don't make things confused.
**Mom** dad will say you about it and then she looks towards dad that say about it...
**dad** my daughter has you know I said about your life in the morning cause we want you to be happy so we decided to marry a guy🙈And his name is zayn malik and his dad is my friend so I decided that boy for you...
**Isabella**are you talking about zayn Malik of one direction...
**mom**yea Isabella beta
**Isabella** but he is so busy in his life why could he marry me and dad millions girls are in dream for him why meee -_-
**dad**cause Isabella he is good and his father is my friend my old friend plzzz we not forcing you to say yes and marry him but at least see him and then whatever will be your opinion we will accept it. Now happy my child!!!
**Isabella** ok I'll see him but when they are coming to meet us and me**
**grandma** daughter tomorrow thier family is coming one son and three daughters and I'm very happy soon our child will marry :"")
**Isabella** grandma what tomorrow😱😱OMG what the hell dad you didn't ask me the day and you fixed the time and date...
**dad** child what is the problem if they come today or tomorrow later you have to meet them and even you got holidays of summer so that's why we fixed this time!!
**Isabella** ok dad fine tomorrow day is fine everyone were soo happy when I agree to meet him but I was scared worried but leave what can I do -_-
**mom** Isabella where are you lost help me with cleaning the dishes..
**Isabella** ok mom coming and then I help mom to clean the dishes and while cleaning mom start the conservation....
**mom** Isabella wear that traditional dress which grandma bring for you from India cause you look beautiful on that dress child....
**Isabella** but mom in summer it will kill me from inside cause mom it is heavy to wear!!!-_-
**mom** no my daughter it is not heavy you will look beautiful on it plzzz for me wear it tomorrow
**Isabella**ok mom I'll wear it for you!!happy now :")
**mom**happy a lot
**Isabella**then mom kisses me on my forehead then tell me to go and have a beauty sleep cause tomorrow meeting them so she is like full sleep express girl beauty😊 so then I went to my room by saying everyone good night and then I came to my room and trying to sleep but all those thoughts were roaming on my mind that what if he didn't like me, what if he already have a girlfriend cause he is zayn Malik from one direction, what if his family dislike me, and how will I live with him all my life God and while thinking all this I went into a deep sleep😪😪

So guys you how was the story🙈🙈did you all like it plzzz let me know on the comments and plzzz like it😘😘it will really help me a lot to make the story ahead and guys plzzz give me your opinion if we need to add something in the story soo I'll do it ❤❤Byee take care guyzz see you in the next chapter!!*
Sooo guys now Isabella will meet zayn and his family what will be be reactions of zayn and what will be happen be excited people!!!😘😘

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