The Blackest Soul

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The only thing i remember was his dark eyes. It burned inside me and made my heart go black, made my thoughts go to a dark place and all the screams from a thousands children. The blood dripping down my hands, "It's not mine" i kept thinking. "What have i done" I looked around and all i saw was darkness. It sorrunded me. And i could not escape it. My body turned into beautiful butterflies, black ones. They started flying and then they came outside they stared burning. The butterflies destroyed everything in their way. It had one thing in their mind, kill the people. Make them suffer. Make them burn. The eyes were burning red and their wings was as black as the night. 

I didn't think these beautiful creatures was going to do such bad things. I didn't think i was going to be this person that i am. My body with burning desire to kill and feel the buttterflies burning wings inside of me. The little doll in my hands are bloody, Elisabeth is her name. She is something that is a memory of some kind. She is pretty much the harder version of me. Can do the things that i am to weak to do. But im working on it. Her soft vocie makes me happy. But never a connection between two people can happend. Im lonley with the screams of the children and the darkness in my mind. 

My clothes are dirty and torn. My feets are dirty but used to walking without shoes. I usually walk alone in the night and in the shadows. I am invisible for other people. I can watch them and just in a couple of seconds they can be dead because i just put a knife in them without them knowing it. I dont get a feeling when i do it,  Its just like a mission for me to do. I can't escape when im on my way. When i start thinking im going to kill that person, i can't stop. I just do it. All the blood on my hands, its so much.

Well i hope someone enjoyed this weird start thingy. Please leave ideas for me so what i can make it better and stuff like that. Thank you if you read and i'll see you in the next chapter. 

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