There's a Room in a Hotel in New York City

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"I'm so sorry!" I picked my self up and helped Patrick up. "You must be Patrick."

"You know my name? Only three people tonight knew who I am. I explained to them I am in Fall Out Boy. They thought I was Pete. You must be a fan then?" He was so cute. The excitement on his face made him look like a small little puppy. He wore is usual clothing, a collared shirt,fedora,skinny jeans, and his glasses. His red hair was parted to cover his forehead. In the dimmed lighting it looked pale.

"Yes, actually on the way here I was listening to Folie a Deux on the way here. It's so nice to meet you!" I shook his hand.

We exchanged a glance towards each other. Those hazel eyes had opened up my heart.

"I was just about to leave to go to the city. If you want you can tag along." His words made my heart skip a beat.

"You don't actually mean it do you?" My voice quivered. Patrick was very nice but I wouldn't expect him to actually take me into the city. It seemed surreal. After all he did just meet me.

He yanked my hand.

"Let's be alone together." he sang as we walked over to my car.

"We can stay young forever." We sang in unison. I laughed. He was so sweet. His smile made me smile.

"Scream it from the top of your lungs."

"You have quite the set of pipes. And before I forget what's your name?" His voice echoed in my head.

"Oh, um it's Alejandra." I answered my voice almost becoming a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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