Just Hold My Hand

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Two Best friends fighting their feelings for each other. Will they ever admit their feelings? Find out by reading this amazing book by LilyAvenue...


Two best-friends. Now don't run away, these two are special. Andrew and Charlotte have known each other for a long time, yes. For Andrew is was love at first sight. For Charlotte, it took a little longer to realize what was happening. In the end though, they're both in love. But it's not that easy- see? Neither of them feel good enough for each other. Andrew isn't your typical bad boy, arrogant, jerk who just wants to bang Charlotte and move on. He loves her, he's convinced. But he also really values the friendship they have- something he can't imagine losing. So he keeps quiet and is just content to be there for her. Charlotte isn't a queen bee or a boy magnet, bad girl. She's a simple girl, with delicate emotions that have been tampered and messed with far too often. With a rough start to life can you blame her for not knowing what love really feels like? Even when she does realize she's fallen in love with her best friend, she's not going to tell him! What if he says no and rejects her like so many other people in her life. Then she'll have nothing left. No, they should just be friends. That's how it should be, right? Obviously, we have a problem. Will they ever find a solution? Or will they be giving the statement, "stuck in the friend zone," a whole new meaning?


Link to the book: http://www.wattpad.com/story/267390-just-hold-my-hand

Link to the Author: http://www.wattpad.com/user/LilyAvenue

Enjoy :)

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