Chapter 1

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Hana yawned as she quietly slipped into her bed. She had a tough day at school and needed rest badly. Exam week was just around the corner and she felt as if she was going to become a walking zombie, as Gray had described her.

Just as she was on the brink of falling asleep, she heard the door creak open.

The sound of soft footsteps immediately shot her awake . She held her breath as the mysterious person stopped... right next to her bed. The air suddenly grew tense and Hana felt as if she couldn't breath at all.

A soothing male voice suddenly whispered softly into her ear.


Don't worry about yourself

I'll protect you



"YO HANA WAKE UP!!! MOM MADE BREAKFAST!!!" Gray yelled as he knocked on her bedroom door repeatedly.

"Imma coming just let me--......" Hana mumbled as she rolled out of her bed and went to get her uniform for school.

"OK! If I come back and I see you still sleeping, I'm gonna get my boxing gloves and best the crap outta ya!" gray answered as she hears his footsteps go down the stairs.

<I had a feeling that I needed to describe her in some sorta way so... HERE YA GO~~~... I'm weird as hell...>

Hana was a straight-A student and was was very smart for her age. She was a senior in Fairy Tail High <I had to put that... I sowwie ;w;> and wasn't those crazy overrated popular girls that have makeup and stuff all over their faces.

When Hana stepped out of her bathroom, she felt someone a hair's breath away from her, breathing down on her. Hana's eyes widened as she quickly grabbed her stuff packed from the night before and raced downstairs.

"WOAH~ Calm down Hana! You look like you just saw a ghost or something!"Gray said as she jumped into her seat at the dining table.

"I probably just did"Hana thought as she quickly shoveled her breakfast into her mouth, grabbed her jacket, and yelled, "Immm going now!!!" as she quickly raced out the front door to the bus stop

"Geez, I sometimes think that she should try out for the track team or something since she runs so fast." Gray grumbled as he shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth


Hana glared at the board filled with tiny letters of notes she had to copy in class. "I freaking hate chemistry" Hana thought as she finished the last sentence and started to pack up her bags for lunch.

Hana was usually the loner at school. She and Gray don't talk at all at school, so no one ever suspected that they were siblings even though they had the same surname.

Gray was with his group of popular people at lunch while Hana would go outside under the cherry blossom tree her school has outside.

<Sound cliche, I know... but not like I was going to put some gushy romance... Right..?>

Hana put her books away in her locker as Gray brushed pass her, without sparing a glance.

Hana sighed as she went down to hallway into the courtyard. People were whispering and pointing at her as she quickly unpacked her lunch.

"I hate all of this attention. What have I even done to them?" Hana thought as she shoveled a spoonful of rice into her mouth.


Hana fumbled her backpack zipper as she tried to find her house keys.

As she found her keys and was about to put it into the keyhole, the door suddenly opened by itself.

"That's weird. I thought mom was working late today..." Hana muttered as she steps inside.

Gray was at soccer practice so she was left home... All alone.

Hana scrambled upstairs as she put her bag on her rolling chair and quickly took out her homework.

The door creaked open as Hana was about to write the answer to the math problem.





Hana slowly turned around on her chair. There wasn't any one or anything in front if her at all.

Hana suddenly shivered as the thing slowly walked closer to her. She felt as of she was going to suffocate as the air suddenly became really tense.

Welcome back Hana.

I've been waiting for you.


DIS SUCKS. Sorry if this chapter was crappy... In return, here's a GIF I found~

 In return, here's a GIF I found~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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