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"NO!" shouted Rose when Professor Longbottom told the class who their partners were for their first Herbology assignment. "No, I can't be with him!"

"I'm sorry if you're not happy with your partner Rose, but fair is fair- they were chosen by random." Neville replied.

The Weasley child understood that just because she knew Neville didn't mean she could get special treatment, but Rose just didn't get why he couldn't simply change her partner for a silly little project! She sighed then slumped back into her seat, and tried to avoid eye contact as her partner came to sit next to her.

According to her dad, the boy's family were not very nice people, and his grandparents being evil. Of course, this boy could be different- he was a Ravenclaw rather than a Slytherin after all. But, there was no way to know for sure just yet.

"Hello" said Scorpius Malfoy. He dumped his books neatly at the table which Rose was sitting at, then placed himself on the high stool by poking himself up on his tip-toes then jumping slightly. Scorpius was at least two inches shorter than Rose, and Rose wasn't exactly the tallest in the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw class. Though she wasn't short, there was definitely some people a lot taller than her in the room.

After a while of Rose not replying the Malfoy boy pulled out some parchment and a quill and started to write. Their assignment was to write an essay on everything the two of them knew about Herbology. Sadly from the look of confusion on his face, Rose could tell that Scorpius didn't know too much about the subject. Now, if Rose knew something this might have been okay, but sadly, this was one of the few subjects Rose didn't give a damn about.

A/N// I know, it's short. Sorry :|

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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