Always | Chapter 3

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Charlotte and Billie were laying together trying to fall asleep in each others arms. Just how they liked it. Charlotte had been drowsing on and off between sloppy kisses and Billie's roaming hands.

Billie couldn't get her mind off the things she had seen earlier and it was eating away at her. She really wanted to confront Lotte, but she didn't know how. She had always been overprotective of Charlotte, but honestly, who could blame her? Charlotte was her's and she was Charlotte's. She wasn't going to let anyone or anything try to break her and the one she loved most.

Billie decided she couldn't bear it any longer. Charlotte was her entire world and it would only be right to confront her about it.

"Um... I saw something earlier today and I hope you know that I love you babe." Billie said avoiding eye contact and twiddling her thumbs.

"Wait, what? I know you love me, of course. I love you too. Always. But um, what did you see?" Charlotte narrowed her eyes and shifted her weight so that she was staring at Billie.

Billie was nervous. It could all just be a coincidence. The blades, the scars, everything. But it was unlikely. She loved Lotte with all her heart and had to finish what she started..

"Well, remember when I went to shower? I saw your blade... it was on the edge of the sink.. I put it away. I'm sorry.." Billie started to tear up and looked up into Charlotte's sky blue eyes and saw a sparkle of light disappear, demolished at the news she was hearing.

"I can- I can explain..." Charlotte felt a single tear leave her eye and stream down her cheek, she sniffled slightly and pouted a bit, looking down onto Billie with pity in her eyes asking for forgiveness. Billie swallowed the lump in her throat trying to hold back tears from streaming down her face, restricting herself from jumping onto Charlotte and hugging her, crying into her chest until it felt like she could cry no longer or just ran out of tears.

"No need to. I understand completely. We will get through this together."  Billie now broke down and started to sob onto Charlotte's chest, gripping onto the sheets trying to control her sobs, her voice hitching with every breath she took.

"We?" Charlotte asked with a hint of amusement in her voice but she still was at the point of tears, Billie's crying plus a sore subject felt as if she were struck in the heart with a thousand tiny arrows.

"Yes. We. This isn't a solo gig, ok? I-I saw your wrist in the shower. I'm not going to let this go on. I can't. It hurts me too babe." Billie wiped a tear away from Lotte's eye and weakly smiled up at her.

Charlotte was crying now. Her head was low. Her beautiful blue eyes stained with blotches of red. Her knuckles turning a shade of white, like that of a cloud. But less soft and beautiful, more rigid and full of pain. She didn't deserve this grief. She looked back down to Billie, the one she knew would always be by her side, the one that made her feel safe, the one that made her feel at home, "I love you, Billie."

"I love you too. You're the bestest. Remember that?"

A weak and small, 'I'll try'  was all she could muster through her tears.

"Give me your arm," Billie had a pleading look in her eyes that made it hard for Charlotte to protest.

"I can't," Charlotte not only looked broken, but was, on the inside where it hurts the most.

"Babe, I already know. Don't hide. It's all going to be okay. Just let me see. Please," Charlotte

Charlotte handed over her arm. Billie grabbed a permanent marker from the nightstand. She ran her hand over Charlotte's arm, leaning closer. She was just close enough to for her lips to barely graze Charlotte's, "You complete me" she muttered. She then closed the small gap between her and Charlotte's soft, pink lips. She held Charlotte's face, the face she had memorized every piece of. The face that is the first thing she saw every morning and the last thing she saw every night. The kiss was deep and passionate, their legs tangled in each others. Nothing else mattered.

They stayed there for the longest time. In a paradise, lost in each other. Lost in their soul mate, lost in passion, in each other's lips, in love, all their problems disappeared and all they had was each other and this precious kiss. Their lips separated. Billie looked at Charlotte. They really loved each other. Always. Billie opened the marker. She looked at Charlotte's arm and, with a gentle hand, drew a simple, black butterfly over the lines of red.

"This is ours. Our butterfly. Both of ours. You can't kill this butterfly, baby. Got it? I trust you."

All Charlotte managed was a weak grin. Charlotte laid her head on Billie's chest and Billie held her close till they were both fast asleep. With the ones they both loved most.

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