Chapter 13

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Patty was heading back home from the store. She and Flippy were going to be celebrating their first anniversary together.

When she was walking up her driveway, twenty or thirty woman, including Xenia, Petunia, Giggles and Flaky, surrounded her and began hurting her.

After brutally maiming her for several minutes, they put her mouth on the curb, pinning her bruised body on the hard concrete.

Xenia was about to stomp on the back of Patty's head, when two gunshots were fired.

Everyone turned to see Flippy with a double-barreled shotgun. His eyes were glowing yellow.

After loading two more shells, he growled, "Get the hell off my property,"

Flippy pointed his weapon at the girls, making them scream and run.

Patty was face first on the curb still. She could barely move. Patty was scared and hurting. The evil Flippy walked over to the broken Patty, holding the shotgun.

"Flippy," Patty said. "I'm so...glad that you came me."

"Save you?" Fliqpy said. "Do you really think I'm doing this to save you? Ha!"

"You're scaring me!" Patty whimpered. "Please stop!"

"We're going to have some fun, precious." Flippy said with excitement, grabbing the poor girl by the back of the neck. "Come here!"

Patty was injured so bad that she couldn't fight back. She could only cry weakly.

Fliqpy threw Patty on the couch and tossed the gun. "You're going to be a good girl or a bad one?" He said.

All of a sudden, Patty's eyes turned yellow. She smiled an evil smile.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Both, but more bad than good."

Patty ripped her clothes off. "Feed on me," she said.

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