Chapter 5: After Wedding

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Natsu and Miya wedding are done in temple. Its the happiest day of their life. Its set in cheery blossom season as the guest are those who close to them.

Matsu, Takami and Kazehana are Miya's brides maid while Mutsu and Takehito are his grooms men. The small 5 sekireies are the flower girls. Minaka is one of the guest that even if Natsu is piss at him, that man shows some good in him. And unfortunately Karasuba did not attend the wedding even if she is invited.

Natsu and Miya are standing in front of altar as they are wearing a wedding clothes kimono as they stare at each other lovingly

" Miya. Do you take this man as your faithful husband for richer or poorer, for sickness or health till death do apart?"

" I do"

" Natsu. Do you take this woman as your faithful wife for richer or poorer, for sickness or health till death do apart?"

" I do"

" Mr. Natsu Dragneel and Mrs. Miya Dragneel. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Natsu grin as he face his wife as cup her cheek and slowly lean forward kissing her passionately. Cheers, whistle and claps can hear around as the married couple face the crowd as they are now holding hands.

Unknown to them, Karasuba who is looking out the temple as she watch the wedding happen. She clench her fist that cause her to bleed in hands as she turn away as if you look closely, you can see tears flow in her eyes.


Izumo Mansion

Time skip

" Comgratulations Natsu. Can't believe you two went back from honeymoon and now brought a house with complete furniture" Takehito said as Natsu arms wrap around Miya's waist

" I told you before. I plan everything. We like Japanese style house so you can't blame me" Natsu said as they laugh

" Yeah. Its just like you... Let me introduce to you, my friend Seo Kaori" Takehito said

" Yo! Man.. Seo told me a lot of things about you" Seo said as Natsu chuckle aa they shake hands

" Nice to meet you man. I'm Natsu Dragneel and this is my wife Miya" Natsu said as Miya bow

" Man. You got a beautiful wife there" Seo said whistling

" I know and I'm lucky to have her" Natsu said as Miya arms wrap around him

" Fufufu... Of course better be not cheating on me. Right honey?" Miya ask with her hannya behind as Seo pale while Talehito and Natsu shiver.

" O-Of course dear. You know how faithful your husband is" Natsu said kissing her cheek

" Man. Your wife is scary" Seo said

" Fufu... Do I look like that scary?" Miya ask as Seo pale and shook his head continously.

" Oh man. If you ever need my help, here is my business card. I can do repair or anything help I can do" Seo said as he handed a business card

" Thank you. I'll gladly accept" Natsu said

" Oh. And Takehito. How are the others sekirei?" Natsu ask

" They are fine. They are in the lab and the other sekireis awaken. Since Miya quit the Disciplinary Squad, Minaka is planning something" Takehito said as Natsu sigh

" Is this involve about Sekirei Plan?" Natsu ask

" Yes" Takehito answer as Miya hold to her husband tightly

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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