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 Walking at Achaana's side, Jaydon listened to the Takuskan carefully to ensure he did not inadvertently offend any of the party guests.

"There is a mix of Primori and Secundi, these are the equivalent to married couples," Achaana said. 

"You must not discuss my revelations with other off-worlders," he added, locking eyes with Jaydon and laying a true hand on the human's shoulder as additional emphasis. He waited for the nod before he continued.

 "Primori are the dominant partner and it is their duty to provide for all their Secundi's needs. Secundi are identified as those who wear the breast coverings. Only family, close friends and other bonded couples are permitted to see a Secundi's chest uncovered. It is not meant as an insult to you, le mita kola, my friend, but you are a stranger to virtually all those here today."

"I understand," Jaydon nodded. Now he appreciated why only certain Takuskan wore breast coverings. "But the sex of the Primori is immaterial?" he clarified.

"Exactly so," Achaana said, smiling. "Either may be Primori. It is what is in here," he said tapping at his head, "and here that matters." His true hands dropped to points just above his hips to indicate his main heart and two secondary organs.

"Then the armbands that some are wearing on their true arms..." Jaydon began, his eyes lighting with realisation.

"...indicate a Primori. Just so," Achaana grinned, the true hand squeezing the human's shoulder.

Elation swept through Jaydon, an undercurrent of arousal accompanying it. He could not deny he was attracted to the Takuskan and at times thought that there might be more than friendship offered from Achaana.

 He was well aware that humans were considered highly promiscuous at best and that his assault was an additional taint. However, as Achaana remained close and showed no intentions of sending him away, Jaydon had allowed the tiny seed of hope to cultivate.

"You will not mind if I circulate?" Achaana asked. "It is expected of me. However, I will keep returning to you and you may seek me out at any time. Promise me," he added.

"I promise," Jaydon said. It would be a trial of how successful Achaana's shielding was when the Takuskan was not at Jaydon's side and both men knew it. 

"I will be fine. I'll enjoy the food and music and I can step outside if need be. You need to relax and enjoy yourself, too," he added. He put his own hand on Achaana's shoulder, copying what he knew was an intimate gesture. His heart seemed to skip a beat at the smile from the Takuskan.

"We both do," Achaana said. "Let us begin."  

Evolution and Adoration[alien x human][manxman]Where stories live. Discover now