Old Flame

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(3 years later)

~Victoria's POV~

I haven't talked to Craig...well "Prodigy" now in three years. At first he called me everyday but after a few months they became once a week then once a month. I guess time does reveal. Well enough of him...now to my new boo Ali!!!! We have been together for two years now after being just friends for a whole year. I just called it quits with Craig via email...I doubt he cared...but let me get dressed before Brea and Ali get over here.

(Picks out an outfit)

(Ali+Brea walk in)

Ali: Hey babe!! (Kisses her)

Brea: hey Vicky...I see you looking all cute

Victoria: Girl I just threw something on...

(Email comes through on laptop)

Ali: babe let me check it for you

Victoria: no problem

Brea: Oooooo I wanna look too(laughs)

Victoria: Brea you are stupid!! (puts shirt on in bathroom laughing)

Ali opens the email and Brea's jaw drops in shock

Victoria: (looks over curiously) WHAT??! Brea what is it??!

Ali: who is Craig Crippen?

Brea: oop (grabs laptop and runs into bathroom with Vicky)

Victoria: (closes door) WTF!! Why is this nigga emailing me?

Brea: Girl I don't know but you already know Ali is going to be curious?

Victoria: (opens email)


FROM: craigcrippen@gmail.com

[Hey Vicky I see you called it quits with us or whatever. And I see frOm Instagram that you have a new boyfriend. I was wondering if we could meet up sometime next week since I'm going to b in town for tour? If not it's cool...but I hope you say yes because I want to talk to you about "us" and this new nigga. I want things to be how they used to be again.]

Victoria: WHAT THE HELL!!!

Brea: I can kinda see why he is wanting to see you but it's all so random...it's been three years!!! Three years my nigga. Can he not keep track if time?

Victoria: mhmmmm I don't know girl (looks concerned)

Why would he even try to come back into my life! Why does he want to talk to me?? I don't know because I went through a year of hell with him. Seeing him posted up smiling with all types of girls. That nigga left me here hurting so I moved on. Things will ever get back to how they used to be.

~Ali's POV~

Who was that Craig guy??? I don't know...why did they run into the bathroom and try to keep it a secret? It's like they are hiding something. I hope that's not the case. Well I can always check her email when she isn't here...yeah that sound like a good idea.

(They come out the bathroom)

Ali: Soooooo!!

Victoria: What?

Ali: So who was the email from?

Brea: NOBODY!!!

Ali: if it was nobody why didn't you let me read it?

Victoria: Oh THAT...that was an old friend from middle school....

Ali: what did they say?

Victoria: they just wanted to know if we could meet up soon...that's all babe

Brea: SOOOOOO!! Are we ready to go?

Victoria: I was just about to say the same thing...let's go

(Victoria+Brea leave the room)

That was kinda strange how Vicky acting. I want to know what this "old-friend" really said. I'm just going to forward her email to myself. I don't think Victoria would mind.

~Victoria's POV~

Whoahh that was close I almost fainted in there. Good thing Ali doesn't know about Craig...we should have a good evening no worries...

(Leaves for dinner+movie)

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