0.1 ✰ one of them will destroy the other

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"Damn it, I hate Mondays," Calum groaned as he hastily stepped out of his best friend Ashton's car and walked towards the place he considered a makeshift hell— high school. He practically dragged his feet towards the building while running a hand through his unruly raven curls in attempt to brush the mess he was too lazy to deal with when he was getting ready. "Ash, honestly can we just go home I'm not in the mood to suffer this early in the morning."

The said curly-haired blond simply sighed and glanced over at Calum, twirling his car keys with his fingers. "Do you think if I like... stabbed myself in the eye with my keys I'd die? I'm really not feeling school today."

"Ash! You just can't say things like that! " Calum gasped and smacked the older boy upside his head before letting a half-hearted smile grace his face. "Let's just tough it out okay? It's senior year and school ends in two months. We can survive this."

Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin have been best friends since the womb, always doing everything together and sharing everything with each other since they were babies. From starting school with each other to being co-captains of their school's varsity soccer team, they literally could not be separated. The two were basically the dynamic duo of their high school, so close to each other that one could easily assume they were dating. Both of them would deny that though, saying that they were practically brothers and that would just be weird. Besides, both of them were straight anyway.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I heard that signups for Water Wars are today. I can't believe we finally get to do it this year!"

"Fúck yeah! I'm so excited!" Calum nearly squealed while bouncing slightly on his Vans covered feet earning a few stares from passerbys in the hallway. A faint blush arose onto his brown cheeks as he tried to play it cool, straightening out his varsity jacket and walking over to his and Ashton's shared locker.

Water Wars was one of their high school's biggest traditions that was reserved for only the senior class. Basically whoever wanted to sign up would pay five dollars to join. Each player would receive a note card with an opponent's name, their target, who they basically have to go to extreme measures to hunt down and hit with water balloons or with the water from water guns. The person hit by their opponent then has to hand that person their own note card with their opponent, which then becomes that person's next target. When the game ends, the player with the most hits wins the game and all the collected money from the students, which was honestly a lot considering how many people sign up for it. The funniest part about the game was seeing how far people will actually go to hunt down their opponent. It was honestly kind of a way to see which student was the best stalker.

"Pinky swear we'll split the prize money with each other if one of us wins?" Calum pouted holding up his pinky in front of Ashton's face.

"No, we'll ankle swear on it to make it more official," Ashton smirked at Calum, the two of them beginning to do the stupid handshake that they totally copied from iCarly. "Now hurry up, we gotta get to class Cal. I really don't want to be late to English again okay? Mrs. Matthews is kind of scary when's she's mad."

"Alright , alright stop your whining Ass-ton," A small chuckle left Calum's lips as he sloppily shoved both his and Ashton's bulky varsity jackets into the locker in front of him, pushing his hands against it in an attempt to get the locker door to close.

"Damn it Cal, could you at least try to be a little neater? I swear to god our locker is gonna get jammed one day because of you."

"Hey I am neat—" Calum was cut off short by the locker door popping back open, the jackets falling to the floor and a soccer ball bouncing out of the locker and rolling across the hallway. "Oops?" He shrugged and smiled in apology at Ashton as he began to walk towards the stray soccer ball rolling across the hallway. Of course, with Calum being Calum, he wasn't exactly paying attention to where he was looking, causing him to collide into another passerby in the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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