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Is it wrong to hope that i could be with someone that is already taken. Well thats what i was think everyday that me and Domo talked. Then one day out of the blue she asked me was i dating anyone and i wasn't i haven't dated anyone the whole year because i was focused on her. I find my self describing her when i first seen her. But the weird thing to me was when i was done and she was done asking me questions she told me she already know i was talking about her and that i liked her. She told me she know i like her because of the way i would look at her dang did i make it that noticeable.

After that i noticed that we would talk all day until our phones went dead or one of us told each other to go to sleep. It was mostly me telling her because she did every want to but i didn't mind i liked it.

What i didn't know is the first step to me falling in love with Domo. One day we are doing our normal day of texting and she ask me, " what would u do if i kissed you." I didn't know what to say i was completely breathless of course i would love for her to kiss me that's all i wanted this whole time and that's what i told her. " i would kiss you back with no thought to it." That's was the end of the thought she didn't say nothing else about it until the next day after school when we stayed.

The next day we stayed after school and hung out with our friends this was the second time we had stayed together. It was almost time to go and we was on the elevator together and she asked me again,
Domo: " what would u do if a stranger kissed u ."
Me: " i would punch them."
Domo: "What if it was me?"
Me: " if it was u i would kiss u back."

And again like when we were texting the conversation ended. As we got off our friends were packing up there stuff to go to there locker. We went our was going out to the buses our friends take the short way we take the long way. She led me down the steps to the other side of the building that's when it happened. She grabbed my neck which was normal because she used my neck to warm her hands but this time she pulled my head back and kissed me ever so softly. This kiss made me tingle inside although i have been in a relationship before never have i had a kiss like that.

But this was not the only kiss that i got that day as we where outside we got really hot so we came back into the building. But i didn't see where she went until i walked a little bit down the hallway to she her next to the steps looking at some picture. As we talked she grabbed my arm and turned me around and once again our lips connected at that moment i wanted to put her against the wall and fuck her but someone walked in throwing that thought out of my hope.

Is this the start of more to come i thought to myself. Who knows maybe so at least thats what i was hoping.🙏

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