Chapter 7

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The building was huge and solid, built like a fort, but with a certain calm-like elegance to it. The gate was black iron, and stood higher than the walls. The walls were made of roughly hewn stone that looked like they'd carved it straight out of a mountain! More armored teens guarded the ramparts, these ones wearing more than just leather armor. There was a loud, echoy booming sound, and the massive gates swung open to allow Cairo and them entry. Ben stared at the spiked tops of the gates in awe if their size as they entered, then brought his eyes back to the ground. He gasped.

The landscaping was immaculate! Freshly trimmed, even cut green grass blanketed the land surrounding the building. The building easily took up 6 to 7 acres, with about 2 acres or more between it and the walls at all times. Perfectly arranged training areas dotted the scenery, accompanied by breath taking flower and vegetable gardens, and blossoming orchards filled with the buzzing of bees and the cheery chirpings of birds.

Ben spotted several kids about the yard, each doing their own thing. A young girl sat in the flower garden singing to an even younger boy. A group of three teens dressed in large gray t-shirts and black sweat pants were training hard in a cement training arena, beating the smithereens out of a group of dummies. A few were just walking the grounds talking and laughing. But most noticeable of all, was what Ben felt here.

He felt at home. He felt like he could survive. His missing memories and anxious worries slipped away, replaced by the thought: Your going to be okay. It'll all come back in time. Ben was amazed to find himself actually smiling, and meaning it! He couldn't remember ever feeling like this. It was amazing, especially after being somewhere so dark. Ben felt...light.

Cairo noticed the look on his face and grinned. "You like it?"

"Yeah!" How could he say no?

"Good! We're going to make this your new home."

Ben's jaw dropped. "No way? I get to live here?!"

Cairo laughed. "Of course! We all do. There's plenty of space, there's training, education, great food, tons of people, this place is our safe haven. We gaurd it with our lives, and you can probably see why."

Ben could see why. Everyone was so happy and content! It was so peaceful and hopeful, he hated to picture anything bad happening to it.
Cairo continued on.

"Of course, well find some people for you to make friends with and to show you the ropes first. Protocol calls for you to be on probation until you pass the tests and everything, but those are no big deal. Don't sweat it. I have things I have to do, so we'll find you someone to show you around until I can get away again and help you out with anything. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Cairo smiled. "Great. Now let's see...hey, Beijing!"
One of the girls Ben had seen fighting earlier turned around and came over to Cairo. "Yes sir?"
Cairo rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you? You don't have to call me sir. Ugh. Anyway, can you take care of Ben for me? I've gotta run. Show him around, introduce him to your friends, answer questions, stuff like that. Can you do that?"

Ben looked at the girl. Slanted brown eyes narrowed at Cairo. Ben recognized her as the girl who'd told him to climb the wall earlier. Straight dark hair hung down her back from under her helmet, beneath her armor she wore black clothes. And on her arm...woah. Ben thought. That's cool.

Winding around her arm, was a glittering red, orange, and gold Chinese dragon tattoo. Ben didn't know how he knew what it was, but figured it was common sense. It shimmered as she crossed her arms at Cairo. "So, I'm babysitting?" She grumbled.

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