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So this book has come to an end, the winners are....

Enzo Amore and Carmella, thank you all for participating. Not only did you all comment, but also you all voted. therefore you gave towards this book and are an automatic winner. Let's look at all the ships that formed before this book finally comes to an end;

Finn Balor and Aj Lee
Dean Ambrose and Sasha Banks
Alberto Del Rio and Brie Bella
Sheamus and Paige
Seth Rollins and Eva Marie
AJ Styles and Mandy Rose
Cm Punk and Nikki Bella
Kevin Owens and Bayley
Enzo Amore and Carmella √Winners
Baron Corbin and Charlotte Flair
Roman Reigns and Natalya
John Cena and Tamina Snuka
Randy Orton and Becky Lynch
Chris Jericho and Naomi
Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn
Cody Rhodes and Maryse

Italics=Ships i could never even have thought about.

What are your italic's? Be sure to leave comments on the book and thanks for participating.

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