The Anniversary

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Macao POV
"Hey Wakaba"
"Yeah?" He said
"Remember Crystal?"
"Well of corse I do! When we were kids we always tried to fight for her attention because every guy in the guild was in love with her!"
"Heh guess you are right.. I wonder if she ever found someone"
*Sigh* "I wonder when she will be back"
"Yeah, me too buddy" I instantly had a frown on my face it has been 15 years since she left us to go on that death job. I hated decade jobs it took both her and her sister, Rose away from us. About 17 years ago Rose went on a stupid century job and probably is dead. Rose never talked to anyone really but her sister so Rose's Anniversary isn't so depressing but, Crystal is different she was well is a badass who was so nice and funny... She has the voice of and angel and is an amazing pianist. She brought life, and happiness with her where ever she went. That's why today everyone who has known Crystal looks so depressed leaving the others confused.  But we all hope she will return soon.

Lucy POV
When I walked in the guild it was so quiet. I was instantly confused. Something must have happened for everyone to be looking so depressed like this. Others were confused like me though. Wendy, Gajeel, Romeo, and Juvia were all talking and trying to figure out what happened. I want to know too so I walked up to the bar to ask Mira. She knows everything about what happens in the guild so she would definitely know why this is happening. As soon as I looked at Mira she fake smiled at me and then I knew that is must be bad. Mira never fake smiles. I smiled back and sat down.
"What would you like to drink, Lucy?" She said
"Hmm I will have a Wild Berry Smoothy"
That is my favorite drink Mira makes after all
Then I noticed Mira frowned a little which is something I have never seen EVER. Then she quickly noticed and faked smiled. Then her face vanished when she turned to make the Smoothy and all I saw was her beautiful white hair flow down her back... I wish I was like her always so happy, pretty, and strong. Though I have been doing a lot better on my strength after my training this past year. (This story line takes place before Zeref's war but after Fairy Tail is back together) Then before I knew it Mira placed my drink in front of me and fake smiled again. Now or never I guess...
"Hey Mira?"
"Yes Lucy?"
"Uh, do you mind telling me why most of the guild members are sad, team Natsu even canceled their job because of it and Erza, Gray, and Natsu are all depressed at their houses"
*Mira sighed at frowned* "It is an anniversary of someone is the guild who went on a decade job 15 years ago she was well is very kind, beautiful, and a real badass on jobs."
"....Crystal, Crystal Quartz..."
I recognized that name from somewhere... MI don't know where though... Then I remembered she was on almost every Sorcerer  Weekly a long time ago. I bought some of the old versions so I could see some older styles of magic. When I found her I was in awe she is incredible. Sorcerer Weekly didn't have any photos of her but talked a lot about her magic. She used Cloud magic a magic that allows you to create clouds similar to Aries's magic. But Crystal's is even better she and do anything a cloud can. She can shoot out lightning, thunder sound waves which would be super affective against Cobra, she and use a form of water magic and has some spells that allow her to shoot out hail or ice just from her hands.... So the legends say at least. I never knew she was in fairy tail but, did wonder if the legends are true and ... Where did she go? I finished my smoothie and said
" Thank you Mira-" I was interrupted by bells... Those bells I wonder what is happening...
Then someone said that it was for the Gildarts shift which means Gildarts is coming back... Why now, why today on such a sad day for the guild?
"That was expected" Mira said
"Wait what-why?" I said
"Gildarts and Crystal are on the same team... Whenever Gildarts can he comes back her to see if she returned on this day"
Woah so that is a competitor for strongest team then...
"They probably could be pretty close to team Natsu for strongest team but I doubt they would beat all of you in a battle"
"Well now another depressed guy will be coming to the Guild today...." *I sighed*
"Well I am sure Natsu will show up now that Gildarts is here" Mira said
Gildarts came in the guild with Natau not far behind both looked like they lost everything important to them. A frown would never leave their faces. Then a frown grew on my face by the site.
"Crystal is like a mother to Natsu, Gray, and Erza so this is especially hard for them and her best friend Guildarts"

This is going to be a long sad day that is for sure.


Hope you all liked this Chapter and expect more soon! I will try to update later today or tomorrow!

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