Chapter 2

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"Lydia wake up! We have to leave in a half our!" I woke up to my dad screaming at me.

"I'm up!" I shouted back.

"Get ready!" He shouted then walked downstairs.

I sighed then got up.

As much as I wanted to go to California, I hate hate HATE getting up early.

I turned my phone on and checked the time.

"5:16am?!" I exclaimed. "Ugh" I said then got dressed.

I didn't bother with make up because 1, I'm lazy and 2, I'll fall asleep on the plane and my mascara will go everywhere probably.

Once I was dressed, I grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs.

"Great your ready, I made you some jam and toast so eat that and I'll call a cab" he told me.

"Okay, thank you" I replied and sat down and ate my breakfast.

About 5 minutes later, I finished and the cab arrived and we drove to the airport.

--1 hour later--

"Flight 403 is boarding so everyone traveling to California must make their way to board" I heard the person on the speaker thing say.

Me and my dad were already there so we got on the plane first.
We sat in our seats and about 10 mins later we were off.
Thanks so much for reading, I hoped to liked this chapter!

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