chapter one

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Kendra Thompson was shy no doubt. Speaking just wasn't really her thing. Before the tragedy that was her fathers death, she was the most outgoing girl. Had loads of friends, she never stopped talking.

Kendra wanted to escape the world, or well at least start over somewhere new. She didn't want to be reminded of the pain and suffering that her house gave her.

Unfortunately, her mother had different plans. She wanted to stay in the house, which tore Kendra apart.

But then along came Benny Rodriguez, she had never spoke to him. Kendra had her group of friends and so did he. Though the more and more time Kendra spent alone, the more she became to notice him.

The way every afternoon after school he would rush to his house, grab baseball gear, then leave to some unknown place. Then every evening he'd return around 7 or 8.

She had always wondered where the boy had went off to but never had the guts to follow or ask him where.

"Kendra Anne Thompson get down here this instant." Her voiced echoed though the house, stinging Kendra's ears. She hadn't full ever forgiven her for making her stay in the home where she grew up in.

Sighing, she threw off her headphones placing her feet on the cool wooden floors making her way towards the door. Catching a small glimpse of her brown hair in the mirror, she stopped for a second.

Kendra had always loved the way she looked. She got her dark blue eyes from her father. Now it seemed that those eyes were a curse, each time she saw her reflection those eyes were a reminder of her dad. On the other hand, she got her long straight brown hair from her mother. She had always thought her eye and hair color combination had worked well together.

Pulling herself away from the mirror, the brunette swiftly walked down the stairs into the kitchen where her mother was preparing lunch.

She hopped onto a bar stood, grabbing an apple from the basket in front of her taking a bite.

"You called?" She asked with her mouth full of Apple bits. Her mother, Louise, glared at her from the sink.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full." She scolded, Kendra raised her hands in defeat taking another bits. "Ken, you need to go out and make friends. You don't seem to have any more these days." Her mother grimaced.

"I have friends." The fifthteen year old girl defended, tossing apple into the trash can next to her. Louise paused, turning to face her only daughter.

"Your baseball bat and mitt are not friends." Kendra rolled her eyes, taking a sandwich her mother just prepared and walked back to her solidified room. Groaning, Kendra flopped onto her white duvet finishing the last bite of the sandwhich.

Putting on her Red Sox baseball cap, the brunette walked out to her backyard with her mitt. Tossing the ball up in the air and catching. The hot California heat beat down on her neck. After a while of throwing the ball in the air, she started chucking the ball at the house and catching it.

The loud smash against the wall screamed through her house, frustrating her mother.

"Kendra Anne stop that right now!" Her moms voiced carried through the upstairs window. She looked up to be faced with her angry mother glaring down at her.

"Well what do you want me to do." Kendra complained throwing her hands up in the air exasperated.

"Go to the store and buy yourself some candy." Kendra's mother suggested pointing in the direction of the store. The blue eyed girl rolled her eyes walking out of the backyard to the store.

Gently tossing her ball up in the air she walked towards the store. The hot breeze blew her hair back, not tying her hair up she let the sweat trickle down her neck and forehead. Pulling the Red Sox hat down further over her eyes she finally reached the store.

Tucking the baseball mitt into the back of her jean shorts, she walked through the store. Doing her daily routine each time she went to the store she went down the isle where the sore sold baseballs. Turning the corner, Kendra comes faced with the one and only Benny Rodriguez.

Sucking in a breath, Kendra pulls the cap farther over her face hoping to get past him. She quickly walks past him until; "Hey, I like your cap." He hollered from behind her. Internally groaning, Kendra picks up her pace hoping to get away from him. Noticing the quickened pace, Benny rushes up closer to the girl grabbing her shoulder to stop her.

Forcefully being turned Kendra willingly lets it happen, feeling weak by his touch. She could see the look of shock cross Benny's face. He didn't expect it to be a girl who he stopped.

"Um, um I like your cap." He got out, still surprised that Kendra was a girl. Her hair had been split in half in front of her.

"Thanks." She mumbled quietly, rocking back and forth on her toes. Benny lightly chuckled at the shyness, making her half smile at her toes.

"I'm Benny." He introduced himself, Kendra looked up for the first time. She was a mere 5'4 so looking up to Benny stunning six foot height was intimidating for her.

"Kendra." She weakly choked out, his brown eyes with little hints of green stared into her dark blue ones. He nodded slightly smiling.

"Mmm you like baseball?" Benny chuckled dryly, flicking the lid of her cap lightly. She nodded slightly, scuffling her feet. "Well, some of my friends and I like to play in the mornings if you'd like to come." Kendra looked up surprised, no guy had ever invited her to play baseball with them. It was usually her dad who used to play with her. Even after he died she still would play, somehow it just made her feel like he was still there with her.

The brunette opened her mouth to speak but no words ended coming out. Nodding quickly she rushed out of the store forgetting all about getting candy. Running back towards her house, Kendra didn't feel the small amount of weight fall from her pocket.

The moment of getting home, she rushed to her room flopping onto her bed replaying the events.

Homerun to the Heart // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now