Chapter 13

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One might ask why I had agreed to go out with Colt. I mean, it wasn't like he had the greatest reputation at school, and it wasn't like he was a straight A student. He wasn't known for taking girls and romancing them with red roses and champagne, and he definitely did not seem like the cheesy, macho type.

  But the thing was, he was nice. And since moping over Blake, who was so obviously head over heels for my sister was not going to help, well, I decided I might just have a little fun myself. Why shouldn't I be able to go out and have a good time with a guy? I mulled this over as I pulled on a pair of white skinnies, mindlessly combing my hair with my fingers. I hadn't done anything special tonight; just a simple tank top with a leather jacket, skinnies, and a pair of ankle boots. I had left my hair down, and the most special treatment it had received was the finger combing, and my makeup was simple; mascara, a bit of eyeliner, a bit of lip gloss.

  "Well, where do you think you're going tonight, young lady?" Nina waltzed through the door, armed with a hair straightener. Her blonde hair had been curled; I never understood how she curled it with a straightener, but there it was, looking bouncy and perfect. Her outfit was picked; a short high-waisted blue skirt with a cleavage showing boob tube. I wrinkled my nose - it was a school night. What could she do that was so exciting?

  "On a date," I said, brushing my lips again with the lip gloss as I checked the time on my phone. It was almost 6; he should be here soon.

  She frowned. "With who?"

  "Not that it's any of your business," I said, shoving the phone into my bag, "But with Colt."

  Her frown deepened. "Colt? But you can't be going with him. That's not possible, he's coming with - "

  A beep ripped through the night, indicating a certain someone was here. My smile brightened as I realised Colt was here; I really wasn't in the mood to listen to one of Nina's speeches about how Colt wasn't good for me. "That's him! Have fun where ever you're going tonight," I beamed at Nina, before bounding down the stairs and opening the front door, making my way to his car.

  I was a little disappointed about how he didn't come to my door and ring the doorbell, or even push open the car door for me. But it didn't matter really, because he was here and we were going to have fun in the hour I had before I had to get home to tutor Blake about Nina. I made a face inwardly at how he had managed to persuade me to give him a lesson tonight; was I too easy a pushover? Could he sense that I had a weak spot for him? Was he just using me?

  "Hey," I smiled at Colt, trying to shake off my thoughts. He wasn't even here, yet it was Blake who was dominating my thoughts.

  He gave me a good natured grin and looked me up and down, nodding. "You look nice."

  "So do you," I teased, and he really did. He was wearing a simple Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie with a pair of jeans, Vans on his feet.

  He started driving, and the rest of the ride was mainly just small talk. It wasn't exactly awkward,  but it wasn't comfortable either. I turned on the radio to avoid any major conversation, but there were no good stations, so eventually we were stuck listening to politicians.

  After ten or so minutes, he reversed the car and parked. Colt turned to me, slight worriedness in his face. "Don't get mad at me," He started, "But my friends are here."

  I was confused. "Friends? Like, from school?"

  Please say no, please say no, I begged silently. I didn't hate his friends or anything, but it wasn't like I was their biggest fans. Truth be told, I think they might've hated me. Ever since the Jenna issue, they'd been giving me dirty looks in the hallways, occasionally sticking a foot out so I would face plant the floor or 'accidentally' knocking my shoulder with theirs. I had learned to avoid them in the hallways; it was never pleasant.

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