Divas Group Chat (feat. Dean Ambrose)

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Nikki: me, Brie, Nattie, and Eva are all going out to dinner tonight

Sasha: thanks for the invite lol

Nikki: oh sorry, John only made a reservation for us 4

Sasha: we're actually going to the club tonight

Nattie: who's going ?

Sasha: me, Paige, Fox, Tamina, and I think Naomi

Nikki: have fun

Paige just added Dean Ambrose

Dean: what's up ladies ?

Sasha: ughhh, get out Ambrose

Nikki: Paige, why the hell did you invite him ?

Dean: guys, I can clearly see what your writing about me !

Paige: oh sorry I meant to add Ambrose on another group

Dean: WAIT !

Sasha: what ?

Dean: can I go to the club with you guys ?

Fox: No!

Tamina: never in a million years

Dean Ambrose exited the group

Nikki: thank god he left!

Sasha: ikr

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