My Brothers

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My brothers, made from our father's seed and conceived in our mother's womb;
You are two fine groomed men thanks to our matriarch and patriarch

The oldest, the first to be brought into this world in the early stages of '91,
Treated as the prince you were to become

Mother and father adored you, gave you everything in the world,
No matter how many cents they had a sense that you would grow up and give this world a change

That mindset about their first never altered,
It only grew stronger as you matured and became wiser with age

The second, you were  troublesome so I've heard,
Getting into a verbal altercation one day then physical the next

Mother and father had a lot of eventful times with you,
Whether good or bad, happy or sad;
You were/are their second prince soon to be a king of your own family
one day

This is from your baby brother, the one you always picked on and talked about while our parents were away at work

Telling you both that I love you dearly,
through those times we fought over petty things and made amends within the hour because we were raised better than that

Watashi Kara Anata e

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