Chapter 11 - Wrong

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Piper was losing him.

She was losing the boy she'd held hands with on that bus so long ago. The one she'd believed was her true love.

One of Piper's biggest fears was being alone. As a child of Aphrodite she craved love and when her father never gave it to her she had to look outside of her messed up family.

When Jason had arrived she'd been convinced he was the one. He was supposed to be the one. Hera, Queen of the gods had shoved them together, even planting fake memories in Piper.

It was mean, so terribly mean to do that to her.

For so long Piper had been blissfully happy, the plan was working, Jason was happy with her, he was happy being Greek.

Then everything had started to change.

Ever since Jason had remembered that name things had been different. At first it was small things like looking guilty whenever they held hands. Then it became worse, he suddenly didn't want to spend time with Piper, he only talked about his time at Camp Jupiter.

It had all become terribly clear when they'd arrived at Camp Jupiter. When Piper had seen the girl Jason wouldn't stop talking about.


Piper couldn't decide whether she was jealous. Reyna wasn't beautiful in the way Piper was. Reyna didn't have eyes that changed colour or effortless beauty.

Reyna was proud and strong and indestructible and looked on the outside like Piper wished she felt on the inside.

Reyna looked at you like Annabeth did, with the eyes of someone who was planning how many seconds it would take them to kill you.

That was when it struck Piper, as Reyna walked over towards them that first time, so many days ago, that Reyna was the Roman Annabeth.

Reyna had been waiting for months for her boyfriend to return, just as Annabeth had for Percy. Reyna and Jason were the Percabeth of Camp Jupiter, they were the one couple everyone wanted to be.

Piper had felt like a third wheel in that moment.

She'd felt wrong.

And now, on the Argo II, leaning against the railing she wondered how all the love bottled up inside her could be so wrong.

How could she have such strong feelings if Jason and her weren't meant to be together?

Were the gods playing with them? Was her mother playing another game?

Piper hated herself. She hated love, she hated this life she'd been given.

She heard footsteps behind her, bringing her back to sanity.

"Hey," Jason said, awkwardly. Their conversations had never been the same after Reyna.

"Hi," Piper said.

"I'm sorry about yelling at the table last night." Jason finally said, as he leant on the railing next to her.

Piper shrugged, trying to look nonchalant even though her heart was racing. "It's okay, we're all upset about losing Percy and Annabeth."

Piper bit her lip, the way she'd said that made it sound like they were gone forever. She refused to believe that.

"It wasn't that." Jason replied quietly. "I'm just confused, I don't know who I am anymore."

Maybe this was good, maybe Jason was finally opening up to her.

"You're Jason Grace." She said, his name tasting beautiful on her tongue.

"Maybe." He said. "But who is he?"

Piper had never seen Jason so lost.

She couldn't help leaning closer to him, "He's the leader of our quest. He's brave and strong and he cares about the people around him." Piper wasn't sure if she was talking about the blonde boy in front of her or the one she wanted him to be.

Jason hung his head. "What if he isn't as perfect as everyone thinks he is?"

Piper was sick of third person. "You're perfect to me," she said, knowing he no longer cared what she thought. 



Thank you all so much for almost 700 reads! I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I'll try to be more regular. 

I also just wanted to say something - In most of the Jeyna fan fiction I have read the authors make Piper out to be the bad guy. And I just wanted you to know that that is not what I'm trying to do. I love Piper a lot, she is a wonderful character, I just feel that she doesn't suit Jason. 

I hope you'll enjoy the Piper chapters that are coming! 

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